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VIC-20 and
Commodore 64
by Howard Adler
ARCsoft Publishers
© 1983 by ARCsoft Publishers, P.O. Box 132, Woodsboro, MD 21798 USA
Reproduction or publication of the contents of this book, in any manner,
without express permission of the publisher, is prohibited. No liability is
assumed with respect to the use of the information herein
Library of Congress (LC) catalog number: 83-5973
Trademark credits and software copyrights:
VIC-20, Commodore 64 and PET are trademarks of Commodore
Business Machines, Inc.
Applications software, programming advice and programs in this
book are Copyright 1983 by ARCsoft Publishers.
ISBN 0-86668-030-6
The microcomputers from Commodore Business
Machines Inc. are among the most popular around the
world for use in the home, in the classroom, in the
business office. In fact, the VIC-20 may be the all-time
best Selling personal computer to date.
The lightweight desktop design of the ultramodern
VIC and Model 64 and their powerful BASIC language
capabilities place them in the forefront of the new wave of
computers for hobbyists, students, teachers, parents,
professionals and business persons who want to learn
the new technology.
These powerful microcomputers are not toys! Their
hardware and software combinations make them highly
useful tools in the business environment and the
classroom as well as in the home.
The total number of applications to which the various
Commodore models can be put is limited only by the
scope of the imagination. In this book, we have attempted
to create and share 101 new practical sets of program
ideas and appropriate applications software for your use.
This book, as well as all published by
is written for newcomers, novices and first-
timers, as well as for advanced users of microcomputers.
Our intention has been to provide easy-to-type-and-run
programs for the VIC-20, Commodore 64 and other com-
puters using the Commodore version of the BASIC pro-
gramming language. You type these programs into your
computer and it does the rest. You do not have to be a pro-
grammer or program writer to use this book.
This volume is a companion book to 34
VIC-20 Com-
puter Programs for Home, School
and the
Computer Program Writing Workbook.
-Howard Adler
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