Andrew Geertsen - Spectacular Settlements.pdf

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The definitive guide to creating rich and varied settlements
for storytelling and fantasy roleplaying games.
Nord Games LLC is not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast™.
We make no claim to or challenge to any trademarks held by
Wizards of the Coast™.
Nord Games LLC., 2020, all rights reserved. Product Identity:
The following items are hereby identified as Nord Games LLC.’s
Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version
1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Game Content: product and
product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade
dress; artifacts; creatures; characters; stories, storylines, plots,
thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork,
symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses,
concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or
audio representations; names and descriptions of characters,
spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses
and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures,
equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos,
symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or
registered trademark clearly identified as Product Identity.
Previously released Open Game Content is excluded from the
above list.
Andrew Geertsen
Lead Designers:
Andrew Geertsen, Chris Haskins
Proofing and Editing:
Lou Fryer, Ralph Stickley
Interesting NPCs Authors:
Dan Masucci, Arthur Wright
Interesting NPCs Editors:
Spike Murphy-Rose, James Vacca
Art Director:
Ralph Stickley
Layout and Typesetting:
Chris van der Linden, Ralph Stickley
Tugsbayar Jamts, Dan Martin, Karen Petrasko,
Sam White
Robert Altbauer, George Mason, Karl Schmahl
Project Management:
Andrew Geertsen
Brand and Marketing:
Chris Haskins, Megan Roy
Pre-Generated Settlement Builder Backers:
Tim Beese,
Michael Ciraulo, Zain Day, Jeremy Kear, Jason Kiser, Kevin
LaCroix, Earl Shearin, Greg Spanier, Blake Snortland, Silje
Starheim & Jon Gulliksen, Dave Stifter, Cooper Sulma, Zach
Other Pre-Generated Settlements:
Devon Chulick, Lou Fryer,
Andrew Geertsen, Chris Haskins, Thomas Koch, Matthew
Lastimosa, Spike Murphy-Rose, Greg Peterson, Steve Peterson,
Amy Puzia, Rachel Rose-Murphy, Jennifer Roy, Megan Roy, Ralph
Stickley, Paul Thomlinson, Beau Christian Williams, Jack Wilmes
Aaron, Scott Avick, Byron, Axel Cholewa, Daniel,
Lucas Darnell, Steve Davies, Nate Dumont, Bob Huss, Ingjald, Nick
J, Andrew James, Jiri, Josh, Justin, Kevin, Kyra, John Marquardt,
Kenneth McClain, Micah, Scott Pinnow, Michael Ramirez,
Chris Read, Ryan Schultz, Sean Shannon, Eric Smiley, Boyd
Stephenson, Brian Strauch, Tony, Adam Toulmin, Chris Waldrip
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Trading Posts
Pre-generated Trading Posts
p. 4 Chapter 6: Capitals
p. 5
p. 26
Pre-generated Capitals
Pre-generated Fortresses
p. 205
p. 252
p. 9 Chapter 7: Fortresses
p. 45 Chapter 8: Interesting NPCs
p. 67
Appendix A: Location Information
p. 91
p. 113
p. 293
p. 322
Chapter 3: Villages
Pre-generated Villages
p. 391
p. 438
p. 442
p. 444
p. 446
Chapter 4: Towns
Pre-generated Towns
Appendix B: Encounters
Appendix C: Rumors
Appendix D: Useful Tables
Chapter 5: Cities
Pre-generated Cities
p. 137
p. 172
Dearest Reader...
When we launched the Kickstarter campaign for Spectacular Settlements in the summer of 2018,
we had no idea what would happen. We were fairly confident it would fund but, beyond that, it was
anybody’s guess. We certainly had no idea it would reach the heights that it did, and it was only the
first in a string of successes that have allowed Nord Games to make the leaps it was able to make in
2018 and 2019.
For all this and more, our deepest gratitude goes out to everyone in our community who contributed
to making this a reality. We have all learned so much throughout this process and, through it all, you
remained steadfast, patient, kind and encouraging. That you care enough about our work to contribute
in such meaningful ways is at once a blessing and incredibly humbling. The simple fact is that, without
you, there would be no Nord Games. With any success we enjoy, we hope that you feel at least some
small measure of pride as well.
Spectacular Settlements has been, at its very core, a labor of love. Like most of the settlements that
will come from these pages, this book was not built in a day. The words, pictures, and ideas you’re
about to see are the results of hundreds of hours of combined talent, effort and hard work. This
effort was not about making a product. It was to make something we all need, something we can
always use a little more of: inspiration.
Lastly, and most importantly, we need to say thank you to our loving families. Our spouses, partners,
and children who dealt with parents who were busier than was sometimes convenient, and extended
families who were always there when we needed them. We couldn’t do what we do without your love,
patience, and encouragement. There is no end to the love and gratitude we hold in our hearts for you.
With the words written above and what I am about to write, I speak for every member of the
Nord Games team:
You are all why this book exists. This book is dedicated to each and every one of you and we hope
most deeply that it sets your imaginations alight and inspires you to no end.
Andrew Geertsen
With Utmost Sincerity,
Director of Game Design
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