39. Mark Edwards - Constantine and Christendom (Translated Texts for Historians, Book 39) [Retail].pdf

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Translated Texts for Historians
This series is designed to meet the needs of students of ancient and medi-
eval history and others who wish to broaden their study by reading source
material, but whose knowledge of Latin or Greek is not sufficient to allow
them to do so in the original language. Many important Late Imperial and
Dark Age texts are currently unavailable in translation and it is hoped that
TTH will help to fill this gap and to complement the secondary literature
in English which already exists. The series relates principally to the period
300–800 AD and includes Late Imperial, Greek, Byzantine and Syriac texts
as well as source books illustrating a particular period or theme. Each vol-
ume is a self-contained scholarly translation with an introductory essay on
the text and its author and notes on the text indicating major problems of
interpretation, including textual difficulties.
Editorial Committee
Sebastian Brock, Oriental Institute, University of Oxford
Averil Cameron, Keble College, Oxford
Henry Chadwick, Oxford
John Davies, University of Liverpool
Carlotta Dionisotti, King’s College, London
Peter Heather, University College, London
Mark Humphries, National University of Ireland, Maynooth
William E. Klingshirn, The Catholic University of America
Michael Lapidge, Clare College, Cambridge
Robert Markus, University of Nottingham
John Matthews, Yale University
Claudia Rapp, University of California, Los Angeles
Raymond Van Dam, University of Michigan
Michael Whitby, University of Warwick
Ian Wood, University of Leeds
General Editors
Gillian Clark, University of Bristol
Mary Whitby, University of Liverpool
Front cover illustration: The Arch of Constantine, Rome, from a drawing in J.A. Dosio,
Romanae aedificiorum illustrium quae supersunt reliquiae
(Florence, 1569)
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A full list of published titles in the Translated Texts for Histori-
ans series is available on request. The most recently published
are shown below.
Ruricius of Limoges and Friends: A Collection of Letters from Visigothic Gaul
Translated with notes and introduction by RALPH W. MATHISEN
Volume 30: 272pp., 1998, ISBN 0-85323-703-4
The Armenian History attributed to Sebeos
Translated with notes by R. W. THOMSON, Historical commentary by JAMES
Volume 31 (in two parts): 240 pp., 224 pp., 1999, ISBN 0-85323-564-3
The Chronicle of Pseudo-Joshua the Stylite
Translated with notes and introduction by FRANK R. TROMBLEY and JOHN W. WATT
Volume 32: 240pp., including 3 maps and 2 plans, 2000, ISBN 0-85323-585-6
The Ecclesiastical History of Evagrius Scholasticus
Translated with an introduction and notes by MICHAEL WHITBY
Volume 33: 454pp., 2000, ISBN 0-85323-605-4
Antioch as a Centre of Hellenic Culture, as Observed by Libanius
Translated with an introduction and notes by A. F. NORMAN
Volume 34: 224pp., 2000, ISBN 0-85323-595-3
Neoplatonic Saints: The Lives of Plotinus and Proclus by their Students
Translated with an introduction and notes by MARK EDWARDS
Volume 35: 224pp., 2000, ISBN 0-85323-615-1
Politics, Philosophy and Empire in the Fourth Century: Select Orations of Themistius
Translated with an introduction by PETER HEATHER and DAVID MONCUR
Volume 36: 384pp., 2001, ISBN 0-85323-106-0
A Christian’s Guide to Greek Culture: The Pseudo-Nonnus
5, 39 and 43 of Gregory of Nazianzus
Translated with an introduction and notes by JENNIFER NIMMO SMITH
Volume 37: 208pp., 2001, ISBN 0-85323-917-7
Avitus of Vienne: Letters and Selected Prose
Translated with an introduction and notes by DANUTA SHANZER and IAN WOOD
Volume 38: 472pp., 2002, ISBN 0-85323-588-0
For full details of Translated Texts for Historians, including prices and or-
dering information, please write to the following:
All countries, except the USA and Canada:
Liverpool University Press,
4 Cambridge Street, Liverpool, L69 7ZU, UK (Tel +44-[0]151-794 2233
+44-[0]151-794 2235, Email J.M. Smith@liv.ac.uk, http://www.liver-
USA and Canada:
University of Pennsylvania Press,
4200 Pine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6097, USA (Tel +1-215-898-6264,
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Translated Texts for Historians
Volume 39
Constantine and
The Oration to the Saints
The Greek and Latin Accounts of
the Discovery of the Cross
The Edict of Constantine to Pope
Translated with notes and introduction by
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First published 2003
Liverpool University Press
4 Cambridge Street
Liverpool, L69 7ZU
Copyright © 2003 Mark Edwards
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced
in any form without permission in writing from the publishers,
except by a reviewer in connection with a review for inclusion
in a magazine or newspaper.
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A British Library CIP Record is available.
ISBN 978-0-85323-648-1
Reprinted 2007
Set in Times by
Koinonia, Manchester
Printed in the European Union by
Bell & Bain Ltd, Glasgow
Cromwell Press, Trowbridge, Wiltshire.
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To Alexander, Lucian and Jacob
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