Organic Chemistry - Examples of MA Manufacture - Lecture Series.pdf

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Meth Chemistry
“What’s Cookin’?”
Methamphetamine History
Amphetamine synthesized 1887 by German chemist,
L. Edeleano
Methamphetamine was first produced by
Dr. Nagayoshi Nagiai of Tokyo Imperial University in
1888 by reducing ephedrine with HI & Red Phosphorus
Methamphetamine synthesized from methylamine
and phenyl-2-propoanone 1919 by Japanese researcher, A. Ogata
Early 1900s: Western civilization discovers benefits of ephedrine and
pseuodephedrine as brochodilators and nasal decongestants. Fear
that ma huang plants will run out (source for the herb ephedra).
1927 (USA): Researcher Gordon Alles discovers that amphetamine
works as a substitute for ephedrine. Amphetamine starts being
synthesized as substitute for
ma huang.
1930: Amphetamine discovered to increase blood pressure.
Marketed in 1932 as “benzedrine” in an over-the-counter inhaler to
treat nasal congestion
1935: Amphetamine’s stimulant effect first recognized and used to
treat narcolepsy (compulsion to sleep)
Meth History Cont.
1938: First published report of amphetamine addition and psychosis
1940: “Methedrine” commercial trade name for methamphetamine
Both amphetamine and methamphetamine used as performance
enhancer by Japanese, German and Americans in WWII. Led to
addiction problems in Japanese after the war.
1950-53: amphetamine distributed to US troops in Korean war
1951: U.S. Congress passes a law requiring prescriptions for all oral
and injectable amphetamines used commonly to treat obesity,
narcolepsy and depression.
1954: Height of Japanese addiction: 2 million users in 88.5 million
1959: first report of IV injection of contents of benzedrine inhaler.
OTC Benzedrine Inhalers within drawn from market. OTC
Methedrine inhalers offered.
Meth History, cont.
1962: early reports of illicit domestic production by biker gangs
1965: OTC Methedrine inhalers withdrawn from market. 31 million
prescriptions written: mostly to women.
Amphetamine and methamphetamine become Schedule II drugs in
1970-80s cocaine drug of choice until it gets too pricey. People turn to
speed as a substitute
Motorcycle gangs synthesized drug using phenyl-2-propanone until
late 1980’s. P2P became restricted substance, so chemistry shifted to
making P2P from phenyl acetic acid or other ways
1987, DEA busts first HI/Red Phosphorus lab in the country in
California. This method has a higher yield and more potent
methamphetamine. Mexican nationals take over the market from biker
gangs with this method.
1990s: Mexican “Super labs” produce pounds of meth from chemicals
obtained overseas and smuggled across border. Illegal aliens make
the meth in well-organized discreet segments in the Central Valley of
Current methods (Iodine/Red P or Lithium/Ammonia) using
pseudoephedrine became popular as other chemicals became illegal
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