Liver Biopsy - Indications, Procedures, Results - N. Tagaya (Intech, 2012) WW.pdf

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Edited by
Nobumi Tagaya
Edited by
Nobumi Tagaya
Liver Biopsy - Indications, Procedures, Results
Edited by Nobumi Tagaya
Firpi, Alpna Limaye, Lisa Dixon, Ludmila Viksna, Ilze Strumfa, Janis Vilmanis, Andrejs Vanags, Zane Simtniece, Dzeina
Sulte, Arnis Abolins, Janis Gardovskis, Ervins Vasko, Javier Crespo, Joaquín Cabezas, Marta Mayorga, Hiroyasu
Morikawa, Jean-François Cadranel, Jean-Baptiste Nousbaum, Ivan Tokin, Anna Mania, Pawel Kemnitz, Magdalena
Figlerowicz, Wojciech Sluzewski, Aldona Woźniak, Nobumi Tagaya, Nana Makino, Masatoshi Oya, Yoshitake
Sugamata, Claudia Randazzo, Anna Licata, Piero Luigi Almasio, Teresa Casanovas, Costin Teodor Teodor Streba, Letitia
Adela Maria Streba, Daniela Dumitrescu, Eugen Florin Georgescu, Monica Lupsor, Horia Stefanescu, Diana Feier, Radu
Ion Badea
Published by InTech
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First published November, 2012
Printed in Croatia
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Liver Biopsy - Indications, Procedures, Results, Edited by Nobumi Tagaya
p. cm.
ISBN 978-953-51-0853-5
Preface VII
Section 1
Chapter 1
An Overview and Future Aspects of Liver Biopsy
Liver Biopsy - Indications, Procedures, Results 3
Claudia Randazzo, Anna Licata and Piero Luigi Almasio
Types of Liver Biopsy 23
Nobumi Tagaya, Nana Makino, Kazuyuki Saito, Takashi Okuyama,
Yoshitake Sugamata and Masatoshi Oya
Rethinking the Role of Liver Biopsy in the Era
of Personalized Medicine 33
Teresa Casanovas Taltavull
Clinical Practice of Liver Biopsy
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Section 2
Chapter 4
Safety and Reliability Percutaneous Liver Biopsy Procedure in
Children with Chronic Liver Diseases 75
Anna Mania, Paweł Kemnitz, Magdalena Figlerowicz, Aldona
Woźniak and Wojciech Służewski
Risks and Benefits of Liver Biopsy in Focal Liver Disease 85
Letiția Adela Maria Streba, Eugen Florin Georgescu and Costin
Teodor Streba
Current Trends in Liver Biopsy Indications for
Chronic Liver Diseases 103
Jean-François Cadranel and Jean-Baptiste Nousbaum
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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