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M 360 Schizophrenia
M 377 Psychoses
I_RER, G.R. and GOIDNER_ R.D. (Ypsilanti, Mich.)
studies with _vserglc acid
Armh.Neurolo(Am.) 65,581(1951).
_X ISD No._
PROB_L_M: Investigation of the eff_ts of ISD in schizophrenic
METHOD_ Compiet_ pkvsical examirmtion, EEG, ECG, blood sugar,
NPN; WBC etc. BP, puiss and respiration determined every half
hour during a control period in which control stu&ies were
carried out with other _Ib_tances.
DOSAC_: ISD orally, 0.5-6.0 m_/kg body weight.
MATER!AL: 4 paranoid schizophrenic pats. : 2 _hebephrenic _+_.
RESULTS : LSD _roduced a slight rise in B.P_, msa_hmal_@Igh_
of r_sponse 2W hours after administration and return t_ normal
or 6 hours after administration. All changes in BP were with-
im normal physiological Limits. P_ls_ rate also incr_ase_ (with-
in physiological limits), extram_s being 100/mino and _8/mino
ISD produced constant flushing responses (duration and
rapidity of onset being related to dosag$, and increased saliva-
tion. Vomiting occurred only 3 times in 42 treatments° Dilation
of the pupils was regularly produced as were oonjunctival i_-
jecticn and increased lacrimation_ hFperactivity of deep re-
flexes, slight unsteadiness of gait but no disturbance of co-
Slight rise in blood sugar levels 2-3 hours after ISD.
1 mg LSD/kg produced definite leucoc_tosis but no urinary changes
and no NPN changes. No effect on weight of the _ of the 6 pats,
one showed an increase of 9.1 kg. Direct instillation of ISD into
the conjunctival sac produced very little _ffeot on the pupils.
Thus pupillary dilation may be due primarily +_o central effects
and changes in EEG.
responses to ISD: Euphoria_ increased spon+_neous verbal
productivity, amiability, talkativeness,
outbursts of laughter,
after 0.5 mg ISD. These effects were greater and more prolonged
after 1-6 rag. Pats. always maintained relatively good contact
with their envir_mment. Hallucinations occurred in all pats. at
some time, their order of frequency being visual hallucinations_
parasthesias and various other somatic sensory disturbances. There
was increased accessiToility and spontaneity, which facilitated
production of psychic material. 2 blind pats. had no visual
I mg atropine i.m., 4_ hours before 6 mg LSD produced
s_ght fl_shing on the skin in
pats° w_
moistening of the
effect noted°
reflexes BeGan 112hours after 8dministration of ISD reaching a
2-2_ hours later° Response was irregular and varie_1frol
Little i_formation obtained on _bjective feelings _f pat_
It is believed t_hatLSD aots prlmarlly on t_ae cortex and that
following its administration are
directly attri_rata__ ÷,h_ _ortical effect and that the psychic
phennmema are the result_ of subcortical disohargeso
NKT/bh i151
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