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•I LSD Noo13
_OCH, P.Ho, CATTELL, JoP_, PENNES, HoH_ (New York)
of mescaline
and lFser_icacid_d_LSD-25)______
and LSD in schizophrenic
The effects of mescaline
0o4 - 0°6 g iov_
59 schizophrenic patients, divided into 3 groups° Group l: pseudo-
neurotic schizophrenia,
Group 2_ schizophrenia with slight or no deterioration,
and Group 3_ schizophrenia with moderately severe or severe deterioration.
RESULTS: Most patients showed a vegetative disturbances Hallucinations occurred
quite regularly_ Anxiety increase was the most frequent emotional change. Many
patients displayed hostility° Concern with premexistent symptoms was often
noted. Evasiveness, vagueness_ denial and paranoid manifestations
were frequent.
More open verbalization of mental content in some cases, sometimes patients
released material not previously verbalized° Sexual material occurred frequently.
i0 - 120/_g_
MATERIAL_ 21 patients. Some received LSD repeatedly. All had schizophrenia
(5 pseudoneurotic, 12 mixed, 2 catatonic and 2 paranoid). 19 of the 21 pats.
also received mescaline_ 16 by i_vo and 4by oral route (both routes at differ-
ent times in one patient )_
RESULTS: Mental changes occurred if 60/_g_ or more, was given° Below 60/_g,
and sometimes even above 60 _g9 the symptoms produced were unreliable°
motor and sensor_ disturbances_
headache_ trembling_ flushing, pupillary dilatation, numbness of hands, sense
of heat, nausea_ vomiting, uz_steadiness, and hyperacusis.
These occurred 30 -
60 minso after taking LSD. The changes were less intense and less diffuse than
with i.Vo mescaline but comparable in intensity with oral mescaline.
Perceptual disturbances included hallucinations and illusions of the
personal and non®person&1 environment, and somatic disturbances. The frequency
of visual hallucinations was significantly lower than with mescaline. The other
perceptu&_ disturbance_ occurred with about the same frequency°
Visual hallucinations_
A_ with mescaline_ the content consisted of
geometrical figures_ colours, inanimate and animate objects°
Somatic disturbances were les_ diffuse and intense than with mescaline.
Time s_nse disturbed.
of the subjective recognition
As with mescaline_
of f&ow of time.
there was generally a slowing
Fe_ling_ of _lurealitx were experienced by the majority of patients, aS
with mescaline_ but they were less intense° The feelings were in most cases
referred by the patients to disturbances of perception°
Distarbances in thouht__rocesses
occurred in all patients
receiving more than lO/_g LSD (oomparahle incidence with mescaline). The most
frequent complaint was a sense of impaired concentration or thinking ability.
This was often related to a haziness of mind and the sedative_like effect of
LSDo In some patso speech tended to become slow_ sluggish and slurredo Two
subjects reported pressure of thought in addition to a sense of muddled think-
None of the pseudone_ro_e_' schizophrenics showed a frank schizophrenic
thinking disorder with LeD (or with mescaline). In some overt schizophrenics_
thinking di_orders_such
as increased evasiveness, blocking, scattering and
irrelevance_ became more marked_
However, in patients who became quite anxious,
the stream of thought showed increased or decreased verbal productivity and
constriction of conten% the usual concomitants of anxiety°
Emotional disturbances were very common with LeD. Relaxation, drowsiness
and euphoria (7 cases)_ depression with retardation (6 cases), alternating
depression and euphoria (3 cases), predominantly anxious reaction (6 cases).
In some cases the mental changes were mixed with increased anxiety. Associated
with the anxiety were irritability, resentment and a suspicious attitude. Frank
paranoid delusional constellations were quite infrequent as compared with
Intensification of catatonic manifestations in 2 cases and a more
intense paranoid attitude in 1 case° No significant effect in 3 patients. The
pseudoneurotic schizophrenics and the undeterlorated
or moderately deteriorated
overt schizophrenics showed more intense overt emotional reactions to LSD,
mescaline, or both. In severely deteriorated schizophrenics, the emotional
response was always Intense_ but often no content was verbalized and gross
catatonic withdrawals ensued. The vegetative and perceptual alterations and
visual hallucinations in the last group were quite often as intense as those
in the first 2 groups°
R__eated adminlstration_
In the majority of cases such manifestations as
paranoid attitudes, silliness and schizophrenic thinking disorders were often
reproduced with the same intensity as before. Often more euphoria was noted
on repeated administration.
The effects of mescaline and LSD were studied in schizophrenic patients.
Both drugs produced physiological changes and mental symptoms were markedly
aggravated. The changes were less intense and less diffuse after LSD than
those after ioVo mescaline but comparable to those after oral mescaline. Visual
hallucinations were less frequent after LSD than after mescaline, but the other
perceptual disturbances occurred wlth about the same frequency. Both drugs
magnified the schizophrenic structures in schizophrenic patients.
COMMENT: This paper is of value, since it reports on the effects of LSD in
schizophrenics° There are only reports on isolated cases in the earlier reports.
This is the first paper in which the effects of LSD and mescaline were compared
in psychopathic patients. A comparison in normal subSects has been made by
FISCHER et al. (VI LSD Noo7 ) and MATEFI (Dis_oBaSel_ 1952)o
LSD (§102a)
mescaline (§102b)
M 360 Schizophrenia
(Ueber die Wirk_u_ des Mes_alin und der _d=LSD®2_)
Untersuchungen _ber dis Wirkung yon Mesoalin und LSD bei Schizophreneno Beide
Mittel riefsn k6rperliche fttuktlonelle St_rungen hervor und verst_rkten die
psychischen Symptomeo Dis Ver_nderungen nach LSD entsprachenungefKhr
denen nach
Einnehmen yon Mesoalin_ waren jedoch nicht so stark und a_sgedehnt als nach
intravenSser Injektion yon Mescalin. Gesichtshallu_luationen
traten nach LSD
weniger h_ufig_ die _brigen Wahrnehmungsst_ngen
ungefKhr ebenso h_ufig auf
als nach Mesoalino Beide Mittel liessen die typisch s_hizophrene Struktur des
psychischen Prozesses deutlicher hervortreteno
(Effet de
mescaline et de l_acide _d=LSD=2_)
Les effets de la mescaline et du LSD sont 4tudi4s chez des schizophr_nes.
Les 2 rem_des provoquent des troubles fonctionnels physiques et aggravent
nettement lea sympt_e_ psychiqueso Le_ alt4rations apr_s LSD ressemblent
un peu _ celles apr@s la mescaline_ mais toutefois elles sont moins intenses
et moins 6tendues qu_apr@s tune injection ioVo de mescaline. Les hallucinations
visuelles sont moins fr4quentes apr_s LSD qu_apr@s mescaline, mais les autres
troubles de la perception surviennent av_c _ peu pr@s la m&me fr_quenceo Los
2 tom, des accentuent la structure schi_ophr_ne du processus psychique.
NKT/bh %52
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