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VI LSD No_12
Mo_ DESHON, HoJ., HYDE, RoW° and SOLOMON, HoCo (Boston, Mass.)
_ _perimental
schizo hrenia-like s
toms o
The effect of LSD on normal subjects and psychotic patients.
(Observations on psychotic patients are still in progress and will be reported
later o)
and DOSAGEs Normal subjects_ kept without breakfast, received 20-90_g
(1/_g/kg body weight) by mouth° Psychotics received 3_kg
body weight).
_T_mbJects under observation for 5 hours° In 9 exptso EEGs taken at or near
2 hours after LSDo 5 normal subjects given Rorschach tests and 2 subjects
given concrete_abstract thinking tests at height of the LSD effect.
17 exptso on 15 normal subjects (age range 19_48). Psychotic pats. :
stated o
lo Disturbances of thought and s_eech: Present in all expts. Most
difficulty in the power of expression. No clouding of conscious-
mess, no intellectual wea_nesso Hesitancy, indecision and impairment of
abstract thinking frequently present. Looseness of thought and actual dis-
connection with increased distractibility were common. As in schizophrenic
same subjects exhibited lack of spontaneity, irrelevance, pedantic
imitation and subjectively automatic speech. Acceleration of thought with
flight of ideas associated with rhyming and punning ; garrulity and loquacity
el the hypcmanic type seen in one cyclothymic subject within 45 mins o of
_aking LSD. Generally the effects appeared within 30®45 mine. of taking LSD
gradually disappeared after 3=4 hours o
Affect and mood_
Clear-cut blunting of affect and suspiciousness
_ere outstanding° These led frequently to feelings of indifference and unreal-
i_ with disturbance8 in body image° Hostility and resentment, on rare occasions,
_bivaleno, o The phenomena occurred about 15 mlnso after LSD. Feelings of
and blunting tended to be protracted _ suspiciousness, hostility
resentment always more transient o Changes in mood were twofold_ euphoria
depreesion_ about equal in occurrence o Euphoria was either of shallow
alation type with siillness or Jovial and infectious° Depression was c_mbined
dependency_ indecision, insecurity_ passivity and feelings of being
"lest"o Happy and dreamy feeling of ecstasy not observed at all o
illualsion __
3° type of disturbance most common within 40 minso of LSD. Visual,
Disturbed usually (rippling or wavy lines on wall,
evolving into a geometrical pattern or associated with colours, e°g.
yILi_ow_ orange or pink _ thermostat
seen as a crucifix but subject fully
realized experieno_ was an illusion)_ No subject felt he saw scmething of
beauty o
disturbances were frequent_ metallic or "fUnny" taste or heavy tongue.
Amaltory disturbances in only a few instances (eogo noise of typewriter as
_IC) o
Sere of time disturbed an II experiments° Feeling of time accelerated or
retarded o
4_ Hallucinations and delusions _ The hallucinations subsequent to LSD
were meagre. The visual hallucinations consisted
of formed images,
_casionally preceded by crude flashe_ of light° Only one ir_stanceof auditory
b,llucination (sound of bells)® 2 subjects had _
hallucinations (trousers
wet from urine, bedwetting).
ideas, including ideas of reference and ideas of influence, were common.
Ome pat° became paranoico Major delusions_ ideas of grandeur or persecution
were not observed°
5o De_ersonalization_ Alteration of personality was rather frequent,
eogo feeling that legs were extraordinarily long and heavy. In one psychotic
the feeling was that the leg between
and hip had disappeared entire-
17o Most
the feeling of unreality as regards the subject, himself
and the outer world o No experiences of synaesthesia, as frequently seen in
mescaline intoxications°
6o Behavi__
Most striking change consisted in underactivity,
associated with lack of spontaneity and initiativeo One schizoid_depressed
pat° went into a state of catatonla_ another became stuporous o A female
schizophrenic became agitated_ Psychomotor manifestations
such as smiling,
giggling and laughing, more often appropriate than inappropriate, were frequent s
ly observed in normal subjects - particularly in one cyclothymic subjecto
7o !ntellect_ Intellectual functions and memory never disturbed in
normal subjects° Psychotic pats. showed no particular memory defect°
8. ANS: Both normal subjects and psychotic pats o had numerous
camplaints and symptamso Most common was change in appetite _
decreaSed) and associated with nausea. Frequent camplaints of headi-
ness, giddiness, faintness, tremulousness and shaking° Subjects reported Chilli _
ness and coolness of whole or part of the body, lump and "funny" feeling in
abdamen, constriction with oppression in chest and precordial discomfort, violent
cramps and constriction in the abdamen in a menstruating patient°
observed were flushing, sweating, shivering and shivering with goose
flesh, Occasionally observed were tachypnoea, salivation, pallor, sighing_ and
urgency of micturition, changes
pulse rate and BoP°,
involuntary smiling,
giggling or laughing. Pupils often maximally dilated.
No gross disturbances of cerebrospinal nervous system observed, except transient
stumbling over words in same instances°
Changes were generally only slight. Alpha rhythm was
characteristically increased by 1-3 c.p.s. In one very relaxed subject a
ing of about 2 c°p.s.
I0. Psychological
Rorschach_ All tests showed abnormalities, principally of the schizophren-
ic or paranoic type° Noticed autistic thinking with decreased organization,
contamination responses, lack of logical thinking,
emotional inhibition indicating anxiety, depression and aggression° One test
revealed moderately schizophrenic picture with autistic thinking and withdrawal°
b) Concrete-abstract
Results, especially the wide range of responses
in abstraction and over-generalized and tangential thinking, were similar to
those obtained in schizophrenic patients°
SUMMARY: The effects of
subjects and psychotic patients are report_
edo Psychotic phenamena and alterations of the ANS were observedo The psychotic
phenamena were predaminantly schizophrenic-like sympt_ns that were manifested
in disturbances of thought and speech, changes in affect, mood and peroeption_
production of hallucinations and delusions, depersonalization
and changes in
behaviour o
LSD produced only slight cha_es in the EEG, principally increased alpha rhythm°
Rorschach tests showed abnormalities principally of the schizophrenic or
paranoic type° Concrete-abstract
thinking tests showed responses similar to
those obtained in schizophrenic patients o
COMMENT_ The observations of R1-NKEL et alo confirm those of WoSTOLL and ether
workers on LSDo This paper's interest lies in the psychological tests and the
EEG studies carried out° FORRF2 and GOLDNER (VI LSD No_5) observed no chamge
in the EEG of 6 schizophrenic patients after LSDo
M 377 Psychoses
M 409 (Rorschach-test
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