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M 409 manual and verbal reaction
time tests
ABRAMSON, HoAo_ JARVIK, MoE_, HIRSCH, MoWo (Deptso of Medo,
Neurolo_ & Psychiatry, Mount Sinai Hospo, New York City)
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): X, Effect on reaction time
tO auditory and visual stimuli°
Jo Psycholo _
39 (1955).
PROBLEM_ The effects of LSD on manual and verbal reaction time
to auditory and visual stimuli°
MATERIAL_ 12 non-psychotic adults (6 F_ 6 M)_ Age range 21-_,33o
METHOD-DOSAGE_' Tests administered 4 times at intervals of at least
i week° At the first session, placebo was given, at the 2nd
50/_g LSD orally, at the 3rd IO0/_g LSD and at the fourth place_
bos_ The tests were carried out approximately 2-f_-hours after
%_e drug _,
The manual reaction time tests were not sensitive to
LSDo The most sensitive was the reaction time to sound which
was significantly impaired after lO0/_g LSD, as compared with
placebo° The verbal reaction time tests were sensitive to LSDo
There were significant score impairments between placebo and
VI LSD No 87 (§102a)
50/_g LSD and between placebo and i00/_ LSD in the time to
rsad the words° The time required to name colours increased
significantly between placebo and i00/*_ LSD and between 50 and
!OO/_g LSDo The higher the dose the longer the reaction time°
GOM}_NT_! The papers published by this group include: ABR_,ISON:_
LSD 71_ ABR_2.._SON S/.o_LSD 65, LSD 66_ LSD 83_ LSD 85, LSD 87_
LSD 88_ JARV!K et al._ LSD 72, LSD 84_ LSD 86_
L_.D: LEffet sur le temps de r@action _ des stimuli auditifs
e_ visuels oo
Chez 12 sujets non_psychotic!ues, le temps de r4action
"manuelle" et "verbale" est 4va].u_ apr&s ingestion de 50 _ de
LSD et plac_boso L'influence du LSD slurle temps
de reaction manuelle
est faible, mais le LSD a nettement
w 5 (K 7/;_.I)
_KT/DrBs/MO 555 ®._
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