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states of intoxication
LSD and mescaline in
VI LSD No.IOI (§102a)
KING, Wo (Hamburg, Germany)
_cant dru_s (mescaline and l?sergic
acid diethylamide)
o121,262(1955) o
see Title.
Mescaline: 0.3-0°5 g iomo If the dose is greater than
0.S rag, two equally divided doses are given one hour apart. _-
orally. In exceptional cases lO0/_g was given. In some
@aWes 20_3_,g proved effective°
A total of about 200 trea_nentso No further details
RESULTS: io Effect on normal subjects: Both drugs produce similar
states° The visual and physical perceptions
moat marked when the subject's eyes were closed° Once the symbol_
was understood,
the experience proved meaningful.
In almost
every case the dreams could be identified with the dreamer o
2o Utilization
of drug_induced
states in ps_ychotheraDyE The
patient's essential problems are presented to him just as they
rare in his dreams° In some cases, childhood memories are upper _
meet and have strong emotional content° In others, life situatim_s
are present as dreamoolike symbols° In the course of psychoanalysis
this experience
can be utilized and evaluated llke any other
material o As it is experienced
with critical consciousness
powerful emotion, it often proves particularly
valuable° The fact
that the states are artificially
produced is frequently an advant_
age° 5_6 hours or more are required for the sessions° The states
ef intoxication
are almost always associated with an apparent
or prolongation
of treatment° If an emotional or
memory block is broken down the patois helped° In
case the stimulation
produced results in psychocatharsis,
an exhilarating
feeling of liberation°
3. Case histories_ Two examples are given of pats otreated
with mescaline, which the author has used for more than 17 years.
Mescaline can release very strong emotions and even states of
anxiety° In this respect it is more overpowering than LSD and
be preferred to LSD in cases where the strongest possible
emotional upheaval is required° On the other hand; ISD has a
broader spectrum, particularly
in its physical effects, and lends
itself to more accurate dosage o For this reason, the author has
begun to use LSD more frequently than mescaline over the last 3
years o LSD can often be used more frequently without the risk of
harmful effect° The importance of this is shown in i case h_ry_
One session (70/_g LSD) res_Ited in some revelation of childhood
experience but despite this _ analytical methods did not lead ranch
further° Only after 12 sessions with LSD did the patoimproveo Not
all patsounder the infl'_enceof LSD have a strong urge to express
themselves o For this reason_ subsequently -written reports aro
important° Some patsoare unable to express many things duri_ the
states of intoxh.cation because of lack of time, or because t_
find talking disturbing,.Of particular importance are those
in which birth and preDatai events [_] are re_oexperiencedoI_ two
cases it was subsequently foGnd that birth had been difficult, The
experience of 2 other pats° referred to the phase of cervical
dilatation during labo_o Two patsorelived a late embryonic s_teo
The patients experienced these phenGmena spontaneously° A_thmugh
the state of drug intoxication can be guided my the patient and
therapist, it cannot be lastingly influenced° On the other bmnd,
the patocan sometimes _ery effectively resist the drug=induced
state, even if mescaline is used.
4° Differentiation between LSD and mescaline,
One subjee_ _
found,the effect of mescaline (0o5 g) o_erpowering, deeply m_ing,
elemental_,spacious and interspersed witD,tension which was 1_!most
schizophrenic in nature° The effect of LSD (60/%g), given.1
later without any intervening treatment_ was much more ci.rcmm_
scribed and concerned _,tself more with pleasant and unpleasamt
sensations° In this respect_ the LSD experience resembled a _maic _
depressive state° Other pats_ mentioned the greater potency
mescaline° Another difference is that mescal_ne very seldcm Im-
duce:s the subje_t to experience scenes from his personal lifo
while LSD very often exerts sach effects _ LSD is particularly
signifl_ant because even after doses as low as 20/_g it can have
lastir, effects on organic_,neurotlcchanges_ especially in cam-
associated with smooth muscle cramps such as chronic
c.onst_pationand dysmenor.rhoeaoThe indication for the drugs
be dec_ded when
therapist has acquired familiarity with
nature of the state of intoxication_ The therapist must be
familiar with this from his own personal experience so that hi
can cope with the frequently somewhat d:_fficultemotior_l s.i
tions which occur° Such experience serves to exercise _aution in
patS osuffering from schb_ophreoia or endogenous depressions and
reduces the risk io _.._h_.asesoNo dangers of addiction have
been coted.,
COMMENT _ Fo_ -apzoe_iousand more detailed report see FREDERKI_G
LSD No o._
w6 (K7786)
NKT/bh 955 <D_9
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