Brian A. Catlos - Muslims of Medieval Latin Christendom, C.1050–1614 [Retail].pdf

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Muslims of Medieval Latin Christendom,
In the face of crusades, conversions, and expulsions, Muslims and their
communities survived to thrive for over 500 years in medieval Europe.
This comprehensive new study explores how the presence of Islamic
minorities transformed Europe in everything from architecture to cook-
ing, literature to science, and served as a stimulus for Christian society to
define itself. Combining a series of regional studies, Brian Catlos com-
pares the varied experiences of Muslims across Iberia, Southern Italy, the
Crusader Kingdoms, and Hungary to examine those ideologies that
informed their experiences, their place in society, and their sense of
themselves as Muslims and as members of multi-confessional societies.
This is a pioneering new narrative of the history of medieval and early
modern Europe from the perspective of Islamic minorities; one which is
not, as we might
assume, driven by ideology, isolation, and decline,
but instead one in which successful communities persisted because they
remained actively integrated within the larger Christian and Jewish soci-
eties in which they lived.
brian catlos
is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the University
of Colorado at Boulder and Research Associate in Humanities at the
University of California Santa Cruz.
Muslims of Medieval Latin
Brian A. Catlos
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of California, Santa Cruz
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