ECA1_Tests_Answer Key C.docx

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              Answer key             




English Class A1 © Pearson Central Europe 2017              PHOTOCOPIABLE

Language Test 1

Exercise 1

1 aunt   2 uncle   3 brother  4 daughter

5 son

Exercise 2

1 park   2 UK   3 on   4 American

5 school   6 Poland

Exercise 3

1 B   2 B   3 A   4 B   5 A  6 B

Exercise 4

1 My   2 His   3 your   4 Her

Exercise 5

1 Gus’s mum    2 Kiki’s siter

3 Fifi’s cousins  4 Polo’s parents

Exercise 6

1 Dad, this is Gordon. 2 He’s my classmate. 3 Gordon, this is my dad. 4 Hello, Gordon. 5 Nice to meet you. 6 Nice to meet you too.


Language Test 2

Exercise 1

1 skirt    2 short    3 jumper  4 boring

5 too  6 tracksuit  7 new

Exercise 2

1 backpack    2 skateboard   3 phone

4 console

Exercise 3

1 These   2 Those   3 That   4  This

Exercise 4

1 Are they best 2 Is he Olivia’s 3 Are those new   4 Where is she   5 Are you in

Exercise 5

1 No, he isn’t. 2 Yes, it is. 3 No, we aren’t.   4 Yes, they are.   5 Yes, she  is.

Exercise 6

1 Where  2 old  3 years  4  Who

5 what


Language Test 3

Exercise 1

1 in   2 on   3 under   4 next   5 in front

Exercise 2

1 sofa   2 cushions   3 armchair

4 wardrobe   5 carpet   6 lamps

Exercise 3

1 There are   2 Is there   3 There are

4 There is   5 There is   6 Are there

Exercise 4

1 There isn’t a ruler 2 Are there any students  3 Is there a television in

4 There are four eggs

Exercise 5

1 any   2 some   3 There   4 a 5 isn’t

Exercise 6

1 Would  2 please  3 Where’s

4 upstairs   5 Let


Language Test 4

Exercise 1

1 neck   2 legs   3 fingers   4 hands

5 toes   6 feet

Exercise 2

1 sporty  2 nice  3 clever  4  funny

Exercise 3

1 haven’t got   2 hasn’t got   3 has got

4 have got

Exercise 4

1 have   2 Has   3 has   4 got   5 they

6 have   7 haven’t

Exercise 5

1 There isn’t a ruler 2 Are there any students  3 Is there a television in

4 There are four eggs

Exercise 6

1 so   2 about    3 all   4 mistake   5 No


Language Test 5

Exercise 1

1 sing   2 climb   3 swim   4 dive   5 cook

6 jump

Exercise 2

1 fix   2 draw   3 play   4 ride   5 play

Exercise 3

1 can’t   2 can’t   3 can   4  can’t

Exercise 4

1 Can Freddie skateboard here? 2 Can Marcus play tennis?

3  What can Dave cook?

4  Can Amy see two boats?

Exercise 5

1 Can   2 can’t   3 Can   4 she   5 can

6 What

Exercise 6

1 agree   2 swimming   3 idea   4 can

5 that

Language Test 6

Exercise 1

1 Wednesdays   2 get   3 shower 4 do

5 dinner   6 to   7 Saturdays  8 out

Exercise 2

1 April  2 June  3 August  4  November

Exercise 3

1 plays  2 draw  3 runs  4  write

5 climbs

Exercise 4

5  She has eggs for breakfast.

6  He tidies his bedroom every Saturday. 3 She watches TV in the evening.

4 He fixes cars and bikes.

Exercise 5

1 I always go to bed early on Monday.    2 I sometimes watch TV in the evening. 3 I never cook breakfast in the morning. 4 I usually read a book in the evening.

Exercise 6

1 2 F   3 E   4 A   5 D


Language Test 7

Exercise 1

1 Crocodiles   2 dangerous   3 Tortoises

4 slow   5 Flies   6 ugly   7 lions   8 feet

Exercise 2

1 B   2 A   3 E   4 D

Exercise 3

1 don’t eat   2 doesn’t go   3 doesn’t do

4 don’t watch

Exercise 4

1 Does your sister get up early in the morning?   2 Do the children have lessons in the afternoon?  3 What do you do in the evening? 4 What does he draw?

Exercise 5

1 do 2 doesn’t cook 3 don’t help  4 do you do   5 Does Martha play

Exercise 6

1 Can   2 have   3 That’s   4 you

5 here’s


Language Test 8

Exercise 1

1 skiing   2 hockey   3 does   4 plays

5 cycling   6 sailing

Exercise 2

1 do   2 drink, eat   3 to   4 have



Exercise 3

1 doesn’t like  2 going  3  loves

4 getting

Exercise 4

1 it   2 them   3 her   4 us   5 me

Exercise 5

1 When does she have lunch? 2 Where does Henry want to go? 3 What is your favourite colour?   4 Who do you love?  5 Whose horse is it?

Exercise 6

1 sunny   2 rainy   3 windy   4  cold

5 snowy


Skills Test 1&2

Exercise 1

1 T   2 F   3 F   4 T   5 F

Exercise 2

1 boring   2 dress   3 cool   4 jeans

5 orange

Exercise 3

1 e   2 d   3 c   4 b  5 a

Exercise 4

1 T   2 F   3 F   4 T   5 T

Exercise 5

1 party  2 her  3 aren’t  4  from

5 dress

Exercise 6

1 is from 2 is eleven years 3 clothes are    4 is black    5 favourite thing is


Skills Test 3&4

Exercise 1

1 television – on wall 2 table – in front of sofa    3 book – under sofa

4 plant next to window (either side) 5 skateboard – behind door

Exercise 2

1 long   2 curly   3 clever  4 eyes

5 funny

Exercise 3

1 b   2 c   3 c   4 a 5 a

Exercise 4

1 T   2 F   3 F   4 T   5 T

Exercise 5

1 feet   2 has   3 dark   4 sofa   5 front

Exercise 6

1 She is 2 ’s got 3 hair is 4 bedroom there is 5 There isn’t, there isn’t


Skills Test 5&6

Exercise 1

1 c   2 a   3 b   4 c 5 c

Exercise 2

1 T   2 F   3 T   4 F   5 T

Exercise 3

1 The guitar.  2 It’s at four o’clock.

3 It’s not a good idea. I can’t ice-skate. 4 I agree. It’s a hot day.  5 It’s quarter to seven.

Exercise 4

1 F   2 F   3 T   4 T   5 F

Exercise 5

1 August  2 often  3 reads  4  writes

5 listens

Exercise 6

1 He has a music lesson at quarter past three on Tuesdays. 2 He goes to Art Club at five o’clock on Wednesdays.

7  He plays football with his friends at half past four on Thursdays.

8  He has dinner with his family at quarter to seven on Fridays.

9  He hangs out with his friends in the park on Saturdays.


Skills Test 7&8

Exercise 1

1 e   2 a   3 f   4 d 5 c

Exercise 2

1 T   2 T   3 T   4 F   5 F

Exercise 3

1 please   2 you are   3 here are

4 snowy   5 Whose

Exercise 4

1 windsurfing   2 skiing   3 dangerous

4 hot    5 five

Exercise 5

1 going   2 brushes   3 vegetables

4 them  5 doesn’t

Exercise 6

1 is white   2 It eats   3 It, do   4 It is

5 It likes


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