D&D5e - Executioner's Daughter.pdf

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T he E xe c ut ione r’ s
Daugh te r
Tribunal #1
by Ashley Warren
Soldra is a beautiful, ancient city, flanked
by sea and mountain and lit by the sun as if
blessed by the gods themselves. But its beauty
comes with a price. After a tumultuous history
fighting dragons that attacked and looted the
city, the superstitious citizens of Soldra make
an annual offering to appease the dragon god,
Bahamut. A virgin woman, selected at
random from Soldra’s citizenry, is exiled to
Garra’s Peak, where she is left at the mercy of
dragons. None of the women have ever
This year’s sacrificial ceremony does not
go as planned. What will transpire on Garra’s
This adventure is recommended for
level 3
How it works
In a solo adventure, you control both your
actions and those of the enemies you encounter.
The stats and actions of potential enemies
are listed in the relevant section of the story.
When making decisions for the enemy,
consider what motivates them to make that
particular move. The encounter should be
challenging for both you and the enemy.
There are no maps included in this
adventure. If you are unsure of whether an
enemy or an action is within range, it’s
ultimately your call. Make decisions based off
of what seems most logical during the
Like a multiplayer adventure, a solo adventure
allows you to participate in an established
world and with the characters who dwell
within it; the main difference is that you
embark alone without a Dungeon Master to
navigate. It’s essentially a choose-your-own-
adventure, so the story unfolds based on your
choices. To aid you, the story is clearly
annotated to make it easy for you to progress
to each narrative beat.
Not every choice is outlined in this
Feel free to adapt the story to your
own needs; like all modules, recommended
choices and rolls are included, but it is
ultimately up to you. If an option doesn’t fit
your exact thinking or motivation, select the
closest option.
Who are you?
It is up to you to decide who you are in this
story. Make choices as they are presented to
you. The way you build your character —
including your alignment and background —
should also inform your decision-making.
What you need
• A full set of dice.
• A character sheet for a level 3 character.
• A notebook/piece of paper to track
• Optional, but recommended:
a good
drink and a good playlist. (Visit my
for a
playlist curated for this story.)
The Executioner's Daughter
The Plaza of the Sun
Before you is the flat façade of the Temple of
Bahamut. Above the large, arched door hangs
a beaten-metal shield, emblazoned with the
n the shadow of the stone tower that
profile of a dragon. To the left is a half-circle
looms above the plaza, it is cool — but
daïs. The stairs lead to another large door: the
the many bodies standing in close
entrance to the King’s palace, where the ruler
proximity have made the air humid. The
and his family reside. Atop the daïs are three
din of the crowd swells, and between the noise
chairs, one each for the King, the Queen, and
and the heat and the anticipation of what’s to
the Princess.
come, the atmosphere is stifling.
And to the right, attached to the temple, is
You have found shelter and shade under
a tall cylindrical tower. The top of the tower is
the arched porticoes that protrude from the
ringed with triangles, resembling a crown, and
edifice. Thick stone bricks comprise the walls
a small spire protrudes from each point. This
and structures encased within the Plaza of the
structure is simpler than the others, adorned
Sun — an ironic name, for the tall walls block
with only one slatted window toward the very
out most of the natural light, and everyone
top and a small wooden door at the bottom.
stands within its shadow.
Under your feet, the stone is grouted with
On any other day, your visit to Soldra would
likely consist of a stroll through its bustling
market, a luxurious meal of fish and rice on
the beach, and perhaps an afternoon visit to
the Temple of Bahamut to see a musical
performance. But you have arrived in
Soldra on its strangest day, and the whole
city is tense, pulled taut like a bowstring.
You’ve overheard mutterings that today is
the Day of Sacrifice, a ritual revered by the
people of Soldra. Soldra treats this day like a
festival, despite the darker reality. The
citizens are bedecked in jewel-toned finery
and the city has been scrubbed clean. King
Augustin presides over the ceremony, joined
by Queen Catalina and their daughter,
Princess Augustina. Soldra respects the King,
for it is under his rule that Soldra has
continued to enjoy peace and prosperity.
What do you know about this event?
Roll an Intelligence (Religion OR History) check:
If you roll a 15 or higher:
Soldra’s history is plagued by war. After many
decades spent living under the torment of
dragon attacks, Soldra’s citizens became
fervent votaries of Bahamut in the hopes that
Bahamut would help protect them from the
dragons. This seemed to work, and Soldra
went all-in, going so far as to annually sacrifice
one of its own citizens: always a virgin woman
or girl deemed expendable, whom the dragons
would consume instead of attacking the city.
There are some dissenting opinions among
religion scholars about the nature of this
offering; Bahamut is considered a virtuous
god, so this type of sacrifice is not aligned
with his domain. Still, nearly all Soldrans
devoutly follow Bahamut. Attempts to end the
sacrificial ceremony have been unsuccessful.
If you roll less than 15:
You’ve heard enough chatter in the city to
know that an offering is about to take place.
A woman will be sacrificed to appease the
dragons who used to frequently attack the
city. You’re not sure how the sacrifice is
enacted, but people speak of it with both fear
and fervor: fear that one of their loved ones
will be chosen, mingled with a sense of relief
that the sacrifice will ensure another year of
freedom from dragon attacks.
Proceed to the next page.
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