07. Youhanna Youssef, John D_Alton - Severus of Antioch. His Life and Times (Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity, Book 7) [Retail WM].pdf

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Severus of Antioch
Youhanna Youssef and John D'Alton - 978-90-04-30799-5
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via University of Toronto
Texts and Studies in
Eastern Christianity
Chief Editor
Ken Parry (Macquarie
Editorial Board
Alessandro Bausi (University
of Hamburg)
– Monica Blanchard
University of America)
– Malcolm Choat (Macquarie
Peter Galadza (Saint
Paul University)
– Victor Ghica (Norwegian
School of Theology)
Emma Loosley (University
of Exeter)
– Basil Lourié (St
John McGuckin (Columbia
– Stephen Rapp (Sam
State University)
– Dietmar Winkler (University
of Salzburg)
volume 7
Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity
is intended to advance the field of Eastern Christian
Studies by publishing translations of ancient texts, individual monographs, thematic collections,
and translations into English of significant volumes in modern languages. It will cover the
Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Catholic traditions from the early through
to the contemporary period. The series will make a valuable contribution to the study of Eastern
Christianity by publishing research by scholars from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds.
The different traditions that make up the world of Eastern Christianity have not always received
the attention they deserve, so this series will provide a platform for deepening our knowledge of
them as well as bringing them to a wider audience. The need for such a series has been felt for
sometime by the scholarly community in view of the increasing interest in the Christian East.
The titles published in this series are listed at
Youhanna Youssef and John D'Alton - 978-90-04-30799-5
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Severus of Antioch
His Life and Times
Edited by
John D’Alton
Youhanna Youssef
leiden | boston
Youhanna Youssef and John D'Alton - 978-90-04-30799-5
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via University of Toronto
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: D'Alton, John (Priest), editor.
Title: Severus of Antioch : his life and times / edited by John D'Alton, Youhanna Youssef.
Description: Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2016. | Series: Texts and studies in Eastern Christianity, ISSN 2213-0039 ;
VOLUME 7 | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016000253 (print) | LCCN 2016002783 (ebook) | ISBN 9789004298019 (hardback : alk.
paper) | ISBN 9789004307995 (E-book)
Subjects: LCSH: Severus, of Antioch, approximately 465-538.
Classification: LCC BR65.S3956 S48 2016 (print) | LCC BR65.S3956 (ebook) | DDC 270.2092–dc23
LC record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2016000253
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Typeface for the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts: “Brill”. See and download: www.brill.com/brill-typeface.
Text in Arabic has been typeset in Arabic Typesetting, designed for Microsoft by Mamoun Sakkal, Paul C.
Nelson and John Hudson.
issn 2213-0039
isbn 978-90-04-29801-9 (hardback)
isbn 978-90-04-30799-5 (e-book)
Copyright 2016 by Koninklijke Brill nv, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Koninklijke Brill nv incorporates the imprints Brill, Brill Hes & De Graaf, Brill Nijhoff, Brill Rodopi and
Hotei Publishing.
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This book is printed on acid-free paper and produced in a sustainable manner.
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Bishop Suriel
Bishop Mor Malatios Malki Malki
Notes on Contributors
Severus of Antioch: Heir of Saint John Chrysostom?
Pauline Allen
Se glorifier de sa ville et de son siège? La grandeur d’ Antioche et le mépris
des titres chez Sévère le Grand
Roger-Youssef Akhrass
A Letter from the Orthodox Monasteries of the Orient Sent to Alexandria,
Addressed to Severos
Sebastian P. Brock
The Asceticism of Severus: An Analysis of Struggle in His Homily 18 on the
“Forty Holy Martyrs” Compared to the Cappadocians and the Syrians
John D’Alton
Quotations from the Works of St. Severus of Antioch in Peter of Callinicus’
magnum opus
Rifaat Ebied
Severus of Antioch and Changing Miaphysite Attitudes toward
Nestor Kavvadas
The Doves of Antioch: Severus, Chalcedonians, Monothelites, and
Ken Parry
Severus of Antioch at the Crossroad of the Antiochene and Alexandrian
Exegetical Tradition
René Roux
Youhanna Youssef and John D'Alton - 978-90-04-30799-5
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via University of Toronto
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