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August 17th 2014
Version 2.0 Compliant
he models in this Fleet Manual can be used in two
different ways. With the exception of the Pathogen,
they can be taken as Mercenaries alongside models from
any other Fleet (where they occupy the 25% Allies slot),
or they can be fielded as a dedicated Marauder Fleet that
will only contain models from within this Manual.
Important Note:
Any Mercenaries taken fill the same
‘quarter’ of your Maximum Fleet Value as allied models.You
cannot spend one quarter on Allied Squadrons, one quarter
on Mercenary Squadrons and one quarter on Natural Allies,
instead you can field up to one quarter Allied and Mercenary
Squadrons, up to one quarter Natural Allies and must field at
least one half of the MFV from your main fleet.
a Fleet Tactics Bonus of 2 and the Syndicate Squadrons
within the Fleet will have a Command Distance of 6".
Models from the Pathogen CANNOT be taken in any
Fleet unless Pathogen is the Core Faction. If Pathogen
is chosen as the Core Faction, no models from any other
faction may be taken.
OmniDyne Special Operations (OSO)
OSO are loosely aligned with the Zenian League. As
such, they may be taken as part of any fleet in the Zenian
League (including core races) for the points indicated.
They may also be fielded by fleets within the Alliance of
Kurak, but in this case they cost the points indicated in
brackets on their profile.
OSO OmniDyne are also Natural Allies with the
Directorate, and up to 50% of your Maximum Fleet Value
(rounded down) may be spent on OmniDyne models
within a Directorate fleet. However, if a fleet contains
any OmniDyne models, it may not include Works Raptor
models (see Table on Page 4).
Syndicated Traders League (STL)
The STL are loosely aligned with the Alliance of Kurak.
As such, they may be taken as part of any fleet in the
Alliance of Kurak (including core races) for the points
indicated. They may also be fielded by fleets within the
Zenian League, but in this case they cost the points
indicated in brackets on their profile.
The STL are also Natural Allies with the Terran
Alliance, and up to 50% of your Maximum Fleet Value
(rounded down) in a Terran Alliance fleet may be spent on
STL Syndicate or STL Traders models. Due to lingering
animosity between the Aquans and the Syndicate, any
fleet containing Aquan models may field STL Syndicate
models, but at the bracketed cost (see Table on Page 4).
Where a ship profile in another book specifies an
Alliance of Kurak or Zenian League Escort, this may
also be substituted by any OSO or STL ship with an
Escort designation. The appropriate cost should be paid
according to whether the faction is aligned with the
fleet in question (where the standard cost is paid) or not
(where the bracketed cost is paid).
Marauder Fleets
Marauder Fleets do not contain any models from the major
races or alliance factions, instead, they are comprised entirely
of models from within this Fleet Manual.
As you will see when looking through the following
Statistics Profiles, the models within this Manual are
grouped into different factions: OmniDyne Special
Operations (OSO – including OmniDyne and Corsairs),
Syndicated Traders League (STL – including Syndicate
and Traders), the Oroshan, and the Pathogen. To
construct a Marauder Fleet, you first need to select one
of these to be your Core Faction.
Your Fleet’s minimum required Squadrons from each
Tier MUST be chosen from the models available, and
your Fleet Admiral must be placed on a Tier 1 model
belonging to this Faction.
Apart from this, you may fill out the remainder of
your Fleet using the models available either to your
Core Faction, or the other factions within this Manual.
The Fleet follows the normal Fleet Building rules and
procedure as laid out in the Fleet Building section of
the rulebook, with the Composition Tables found on
the following page governing how many of each type of
Squadron can be fielded, and which Tiers they fall into.
As with the standard and Alliance Fleets, which
Composition Table you should use is determined by the
Maximum Fleet Value (MFV) you have agreed with your
Allied Squadrons
Although a Marauder Fleet will often contain Squadrons
from several different factions, a single Squadron can only
contain models from ONE race or faction.
Fleet Statistics and Tactical Ability Cards
Marauder Fleets may choose their Tactical Ability Cards
from the general or Marauder lists.
Your Fleet Tactics Bonus is that of your Core Faction,
however each Squadron has the Command Distance of
its own Faction. For example, a Marauder Fleet with the
Syndicated Traders League as its Core Faction will have
In any other Fleet, you may spend up to one quarter of
your Maximum Fleet Value (rounded down) on models
chosen from within this Fleet Manual, apart from those
belonging to Pathogen.
Your Fleet’s minimum required Squadrons from each
Tier MUST be from your main fleet, and your Fleet
Admiral must be placed on a Tier 1 model from within
your main fleet.
Marauder Patrol Fleets
If the agreed MFV is 800 Points or less, your Fleet is
classed as a Patrol Fleet. You may select your Squadrons
from the following list:
Tier 1
Between 1 and 2 Squadrons, chosen from the following:
Up to 1
Up to 2
Up to 1
Up to 1
Up to 1
Carrier Squadrons
Battle Carrier
Captured Large Squadron
Marauder Grand Fleets
If the agreed MFV is between 1201 and 2000 Points,
your Fleet is classed as a Grand Fleet. You may select
your Squadrons from the following list:
Tier 1
Between 2 and 4 Squadrons, chosen from the following:
Up to 3
Up to 3
Up to 2
Up to 3
Up to 4
Up to 2
Up to 3
Battle Carriers
Battle Stations
Battlecruiser Squadrons
Carrier Squadrons
Captured Large Squadrons
Tier 2
Between 1 and 2 Squadrons, chosen from the following:
Up to 2
Up to 2
Up to 1
Cruiser Squadrons
Captured Medium Squadrons
Gunship Squadron
Tier 2
Between 2 and 4 Squadrons, chosen from the following:
Up to 4
Up to 2
Up to 4
Cruiser Squadrons
Gunship Squadrons
Captured Medium Squadrons
Tier 3
Between 1 and 3 Squadrons, chosen from the following:
Up to 2
Up to 2
Up to 2
Frigate Squadrons
Captured Small Squadrons
Corvette Squadrons
Tier 3
Between 3 and 5 Squadrons, chosen from the following:
Up to 5
Up to 5
Up to 5
Frigate Squadrons
Captured Small Squadrons
Corvette Squadrons
Important Note:
In a Patrol Fleet, a Battlecruiser’s Squadron
Size is reduced to 1, if is not 1 already.
Marauder Mighty Armadas
If the agreed MFV is in excess of 2000 Points the force is
divided into separate Fleets, each with its own Admiral,
Each Fleet may also select a different Core Faction.
A force of between 2001 and 2800 Points is formed into one
Grand Fleet and one Patrol Fleet, while a force of between
2801 and 3200 Points is divided into one Grand Fleet and
one Battle Fleet and so on.
Provided the minimum requirements for each Fleet can
be met, you may divide your MFV between the Fleets as
you see fit. For example, a 2300 Point force could contain
a 1900 Point Grand Fleet and a 400 Point Patrol Fleet, or
a 1500 Point Grand Fleet and an 800 Point Patrol Fleet.
Marauder Battle Fleets
If the agreed MFV is between 801 and 1200 Points, your
Fleet is classed as a Battle Fleet. You may select your
Squadrons from the following list:
Tier 1
Between 1 and 3 Squadrons, chosen from the following:
Up to 2
Up to 2
Up to 1
Up to 2
Up to 1
Up to 3
Up to 2
Battle Carriers
Battle Station
Battlecruiser Squadrons
Carrier Squadrons
Captured Large Squadrons
Each Squadron uses the Command Distance of its
race or faction and your Fleet’s Fleet Tactics Bonus is
the LOWEST from the races which make up your Fleet.
Finally, if you take Mercenaries in your Fleet, only
General Tactical Ability Cards may be used.
Otherwise, each Squadron is chosen as normal, using
up the relevant Squadron selection for its Tier and
paying the required Points Cost (ensuring the correct
points are paid depending on whether the fleet is from
the Alliance of Kurak or Zenian League) – as shown on
the Table on Page 4 – with all Upgrades, Hard Points
and accompaniments available for purchase.
Tier 2
Between 1 and 3 Squadrons, chosen from the following:
Up to 3
Up to 2
Up to 3
Cruiser Squadrons
Gunship Squadrons
Captured Medium Squadrons
Tier 3
Between 2 and 4 Squadrons, chosen from the following:
Up to 3
Up to 3
Up to 3
Frigate Squadrons
Captured Small Squadrons
Corvette Squadrons
The Syndicated Traders League
Since its origins in the Rift, The Syndicate
has become a force to be reckoned with in
the larger confines of the Storm Zone. The
shady Vylia’sal Syndicate extended its hold
and infiltration of the former Rift Traders
League, using subterfuge, political scheming
and ultimately, brute force.
Using the legitimate trading front of the
RTL, the Syndicate grew even larger and more
powerful, forging stronger links with Terran
Alliance worlds, leaders and even military
assets. Eventually it grew to the point where
it transformed itself into an organisation that
could stand outside of the shelter of the Rift,
confident in its position as a partner to the
strongest galactic powers. Thus was born the
Syndicated Traders League (STL).
This could not have come at a better time
for Tauris, since the loss (and presumed
destruction) of the Supermax-89 facility
on one of its more dangerous enforcement
Nevertheless, his political manoeuvring
with key Terran players has given him
access to a number of older and previously
decommissioned Reformer-class stations
which he has used to great effect – so much so
that even Terran Admirals have fielded these
assets themselves.
This newly-wielded legitimacy meant Tauris
Vylia’sal could even broker an uneasy amnesty
from the many Aquan Sebrutan warrants
held against him. This is not something that
pleased the Aquan hierarchy, but the unbridled
political power Tauris wields amongst many of
the Alliance of Kurak members, including the
powerful Terrans, now meant they had little
choice in the matter. He is not welcomed by
the Aquans, but he is tolerated – for the time
being, at least.
Stronger ties with the Kurak Alliance have
allowed Tauris to strengthen his position
against OmniDyne’s interference in his
dealings in the Rift and further afield.
Although this rivalry has continued to
simmer, the STL and OmniDyne factions will
cooperate for mutual benefit, usually when
some venture of dubious legality and high
profitability is involved. This is probably down
to the relentless pursuit of personal power of
both Tauris and OmniDyne’s successful CEO
Asger Nerivar – two individuals of equal drive,
ruthlessness and complete amorality.
OmniDyne Special Operations
Since rising from his former COO position
to CEO, Nerivar has gone from strength
to strength. Cleverly gaining knowledge of
the Rift from the Corsairs in exchange for
Directorate weapons technology, he provided
OmniDyne with both a source of valuable
income and a tactical advantage against the
Syndicate operating in the Rift. This appeared
to provide the various Corsair factions with
a convenient money-laundering outlet, but
also gradually made them more dependent
on OmniDyne for supplies, ammunition and
political backup.
Harnessing these forces, and with carefully
drawn mercenary contracts with the Oroshan,
Nerivar turned OmniDynes fortunes around.
From the prospect of breakup, absorption and
asset stripping (to say nothing of contractual
termination of its management), he crafted a
new rising star within the Directorate group of
companies. Paying its outstanding debts was,
of course, the last thing that the management
of the Directorate giant Works Raptor wanted,
and Nerivar has made many enemies amongst
its senior management.
Hark Williams board members, however,
saw the great opportunity OmniDyne’s
“special” interests and methods of doing
business presented, and invested in the
growing company – even inviting Nerivar to
present personally to the board on several
occasions. The influx of ready capital allowed
OmniDyne to expand further, reinventing
itself as “OmniDyne Special Operations”. With
a reputation for taking contracts rejected by
other Directorate companies (for a price), the
new OSO quickly proved its ability to deliver
results, providing no questions were asked.
Fortunately for Nerivar, his powerful new
acquaintances prevent a direct method of
Works Raptor “deposing” him, and their
management is content to wait until a more
favourable set of market conditions again
swing OmniDyne’s assets within reach of their
steely financial jaws. Works Raptor still show
their solidarity with their corporate associates,
of course, although somehow their ships never
seem to be available or in the right quadrant
when assistance is requested….
The actual reality of the inner workings of
OSO are, as many suspect (yet never voice
publically for fear of their lives), borderline or
completely illegal. OmniDyne maintains and
supplies large groups of corsairs and pirates
– not only in the rift, but from across the
battlefields and backwaters that exist or have
developed across the Storm Zone.
These fleets are often comprised of the
lowest lawless scum that accumulates around
the edge of civilised systems – all are welcome
in OSOs Contract Fulfilment Divisions.
They are supplied (at a healthy profit margin,
of course) with Directorate weapons and
supplies to enhance whatever ships they have.
The weapons supplied may be legacy models,
the supplies beyond their standard usage
recommendations, but they still produce
a formidable force of ships, few ever quite
the same, and usually untraceable to their
corporate overlords.
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