Warhammer 4ed - One Shots of the Reikland.pdf

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Five Rapid-Fire Adventures in
Grim and Perilous Old World
Design and Writing:
Ciaran O'Brien
Ralph Horsley, Jerome Huguenin, Victor Leza, Sam Manley, Scott Purdy
Graphic Design & Layout:
Rory McCormack
Síne Quinn, Chris Walz
Pádraig Murphy
Proof Reader:
Tim Cox
Production Team:
Dave Allen, Anthony Burke, Emmet Byrne, Walt Ciechanowski, Elaine Connolly,Zak Dale-Cutterbuck,
Donna King, Dániel Kovacs, Tim Korklewski, T.S. Luikart, Rachael Macken, Sam Manley, Rory McCormack, Dominic
McDowell, Pádraig Murphy, Kieran Murphy, Eileen Murphy, Ceíre O’Donoghue, Jonathan O’Donoghue,
Síne Quinn, Jacob Rodgers, and Christopher Walz
Dominic McDowall
Special thanks:
Games Workshop
Published by:
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd,
Unit 6, Block 3, City North Business Campus,
Co. Meath, Ireland
Last Edited:
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Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2020. Warhammer
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Adventure Summary .................................................4
Getting Started .........................................................4
Part One: ..................................................................5
A Long Goodbye ......................................................5
An Unkindness of Ravens ......................................6
Part Two: Wading In ................................................6
Part Three: Descent into Darkness ............................8
Conclusion ............................................................9
Rewards: ................................................................9
NPCs ........................................................................9
Henrietta Garland .................................................9
Unkindness of Ravens............................................9
Kurgorn Three-Eyes...............................................9
Adventure Summary .................................................10
Getting Started .........................................................11
Fellows of the Cloth ..................................................11
A Shot of Something Strong .....................................11
Part One: Knock Knock ............................................11
Part Two: The Lock-In ..............................................13
I Pray You, Dismember the Porter .........................13
None of Your Beeswax ...........................................13
It Could Be You .....................................................13
Exit, Pursued by a Bear ..........................................14
Grudge Match .......................................................14
Part Three: Maybe the Witch Hunter Has a Point ....15
Rewards .................................................................15
NPCs ........................................................................16
Malthus Brunner ...................................................16
Grumbles the Bear ................................................16
Felda and Joli Gretsch ...........................................16
The Helgas Schauer and Brun ...............................16
Hilde, travelling entertainer ...................................16
Old Hamish, retired soldier ...................................16
Disc of Tzeentch ....................................................16
Adventure Summary ......................................................17
Getting Started .........................................................17
Part One: The Beastmen Are Coming .......................18
Part Two: The Siege of Wallen Temple ......................19
The Calm Before the Storm ...................................20
Part Three: The Sins of the Father .............................21
Where Do We Go from Here? ..............................22
A Bloody Reunion .................................................22
Missed Connections ..............................................22
Rewards .................................................................23
NPCs ........................................................................23
Else Frink, militia captain ......................................23
Tanner Family .......................................................23
Old Hob, humble villager ......................................23
Father Stihlman, priest of Sigmar ..........................23
Klaus Bahlk, temple beadle ....................................23
Krezok Soulflayer...................................................23
Adventure Summary .................................................24
Getting Started .........................................................24
Part One: Curdled Ambitions ...................................25
The Little Cheese Shop of Horrors........................25
Part Two: Chasing Leads ..........................................26
A Gouda Man, Led Astray: Herbert Harzert ........26
A Vintage Cheddar: Frau Duschen ......................26
Sleep Be Edam-ned: Gustav Klosch ......................27
Part Three: In Whey Too Deep .................................27
Harzert’s Cellar .....................................................27
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fondue ...............28
Conclusion ............................................................28
Rewards .................................................................29
NPCs ........................................................................29
Tomas Grunwel .....................................................29
Anders Schuster, Klaus Schmidt,
and Dieter Dunkel.................................................29
Herbert Harzert ....................................................29
Squitshank .............................................................29
Adventure Summary .................................................30
Getting Started .........................................................30
Adventure Summary .................................................30
Getting Started .........................................................30
Part One: Caught in a (von) Trapp ............................31
Part Two: Howl if You Need Me ...............................33
‘All the Better to See You With’.............................33
Heinrich’s Map ......................................................33
Those Tiresome Kids! ............................................33
Fierce Notions .......................................................33
Keep the Wolf from the Door ................................34
Pack Your Bags! .....................................................34
Part Three: Sniffing Out the Truth ............................34
Rewards .................................................................35
NPCs ........................................................................35
The Limburgs ........................................................35
Heinrich Cristoff von Trapp ..................................36
Karl and Hugo .......................................................36
Deep beneath the recently excavated Weissbruck canal, an ancient
war-chief sleeps away the eternity of death. Above, the rise and fall
of lock water slowly erodes the packed earth above his resting place.
All things that sleep may awake, however, and if the cause of that
waking is a deluge of filthy canal water, then it is unlikely to be
Come Drown With Me
uses the Hartsklein Lock and Lock
Keeper’s House (Buildings
of the Reikland,
page 10). While
you do not need that book to run this adventure, the extra
details found there will be useful for adding extra colour to the
The Characters are travelling the Weissbruck canal when
something inexplicable occurs. Upon leaving the Hartsklein
Lock, they arrive straight back at it, as if they have travelled
in a circle. To make matters worse, the undead begin to crawl
from the canal depths! The house of the lock master, Henrietta
Garland, appears to offer shelter, but it too is overcome with a
haunting presence.
The construction of the Weissbruck canal came perilously close
to defiling the tomb of an ancient Unberogen chieftain, Kurgorn
Three-eyes. His resting place is directly below Henrietta’s
home, and the repeated rising and falling of the lock’s waters
has finally weakened the ground sufficiently to flood the tomb.
Furious at the disturbance, Kurgorn spat a mighty curse upon
the land above, cutting Henrietta’s home and the lock off from
the rest of the living world, and infusing the area with an aura
of fury and death.
Before playing this adventure, read it from start to finish at least
once. When you feel comfortable with the material, you’re ready
to begin.
The well travelled Weissbruck canal joins the Bögen and Reik
rivers. It allows ships to avoid the taxes of Carroburg, making
it very popular. There are any number of reasons the Characters
might be travelling the canal, such as pilgrimage to Altdorf,
travel to the Skaag Hill mines for work, or guarding one of the
many merchant barges that use the canal.
If you are running this adventure as a once-off, simply choose
a suitable reason for the Characters' presence on the barge
based on their careers. If you are dropping this adventure into
an ongoing campaign, it makes a good diversion during a trip
to Altdorf in pursuit of work, or for any of the reasons given
above. If you wish to move the location of the adventure to suit
your campaign, it could take place on any recently built canal or
artifically diverted riverway.
It’s a cold, foggy morning, and the Characters are saying their
goodbyes to Henrietta Garland. Skilled Riverfolk Characters
may have been helping her with lock gates to speed things
along, and Henrietta is quick to offer helpful travellers one
of her excellent vegetable pies for the trip. Henrietta is a very
chatty Halfling, and her pratter may challenge even the most
patient listener. She is ultimately a friendly and warm person,
however, and listens intently to what others have to say. When
at last the locks are properly flooded and the gates open, she
waves the Characters on with a cheerful and buoyant farewell.
‘Do come back soon!’
Henrietta and her home are quickly swallowed by the fog, and
the Characters on the boat may well be settling down for a
quiet journey, when the boat lurches suddenly. They’ve struck
something! Anyone on deck can see the boat’s prow has suffered
minor damage from hitting a set of lock gates. But the next
gate isn’t for miles. Then they hear the unmistakable voice of
Henrietta Garland coming from up ahead. She’s angry.
‘ You nincompoops! You half-baked pies! If you’ve damaged the gates,
I swear on all the pastry in Mootland I’ll ... I ... Wait. What?’
Her confusion is obvious. She looks to the other side of the
lock, where she had just waved goodbye to the Characters'
barge, and back at the Characters, impossibly on the opposite
side. Everyone has a moment to express their confusion before
being disturbed by a deep and gurgling moan rising from the
waters. A pack of zombies (WFRP, page 328) lurch from the
water, attempting to clamber into the barge and up the canal
walls, their tight, leathery flesh draped in river weeds and mud.
With the heavy fog and the added confusion of what just
happened, the normally slow zombies will likely surprise the
Characters (WFRP, page 169). There is at least one zombie
for each Character, and more erupt from the water each round,
certainly enough to overwhelm the Characters given time.
Should Characters attempt to hide below deck, the creatures
begin to tear the barge to splinters. Henrietta will cry to the
Characters to join her at the house, giving them a round or
two before she slams the door shut in fear. Should they flee
anywhere else, they stumble through the fog for a few moments
before arriving right back where they started, much as their
barge just did. If they dive into the water, grasping hands make
swiming extremely difficult - they must make a
(+0) Swim
Test each round or gain an Entangled condition as a
Zombie grabs them. This could quickly become fatal.
Once the survivors make it inside, Henrietta shuts and bars the
door. Solid iron bars across the windows prevent the undead
getting in, though smashed glass gets everywhere. Henrietta,
breathing heavily, offers them food and rest (and a stiff drink).
She welcomes them upstairs to the parlour, and helps tend any
wounds. As she works, an elaborate clock with a humorous
depiction of a Middenlander urinating on an Orc strikes noon.
The room suddenly darkens, shadows bleed out from corners and
under furniture. The Characters feel an incredibly malevolent
presence. As abruptly as it appeared, it’s gone, the perfectly
normal silence all the more tense for what came before.
Henrietta, shaking and white, stammers:
‘What in Esmeralda’s
name was that?’
Outside, the walking dead continue to moan, their numbers
growing steadily.
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