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Ant, Giant
Giant Ants are common on the
southern Kardalok continent, where
intelligent, humanoid Ant-folk also
exist. However, giant ants can be
encountered all over Norindaal. In
general, they behave like their
normal-sized counterparts, they can
create anthills the size of human
towns. Like normal ants, many
different species exist. Communities
are divided into several specific roles,
each with its own special abilities.
Queens lay eggs and rule over the
anthill. The Queens of some species
assist in foraging and may be thus
encountered out of their anthills.
Scouts wander around foraging
and trailblazing. They do so by
cutting the vegetation with their
powerful pincers and leaving
pheromone trails for other ants to
follow. For this reason, scouts are the
most commonly encountered giant
ants. The pheromone trails are
undetectable to humans but some
compound that makes them visible
and can delete them.
Some species have a venomous
sting. Fire ants can inject a venom
that causes muscle pain and
temporary paralysis. Others can
spray formic acid that can
temporarily blind targets.
Carpenter ants live in forests and
use large trees as building material
for their anthills. They are
considered a scourge by sylvan
creatures because they can
destroy large areas of woods in a
matter of days. Carpenter ants are able
to move fast through vegetation.
All ants can burrow, although not so
fast to count as the Burrowing Trait in
game terms.
Slave Ants are ants from other
communities that are captured and
used as foot soldiers or workers. They
must be recognizable (use models of
a different color or mark them). In
game terms, they have the Enslaved
Trait. If only slave ants remain in play,
they break and the warband
automatically loses the game.
Some scholars think that giant
ants were created by Gro Khair,
the god of hunger, who took
regular ants and fed them with
the blood of Giants and Titans.
This could also explain why the
Orgas (ogres), a race created by
Gro Khair to compete with
sometimes found raiding human
settlements in their company.
In the Orgas pictographic
language, a stylized mouth with
six legs painted on a rock or on
tree bark indicates the presence
of giant ant communities.
New Traits
Acid Spray (2 pts)
The model can spray acid once per
game, at 1 x Short range. The acid has
no effect on Artificial, Undead, or
Incorporeal foes. On Swarms, it works
as a C3 ranged attack. On other
targets, it counts as a C2 attack and
any target suffering a Recoil or
Knocked Prone effect must also test Q
on 1d6 or be sprayed in the eyes. A
sprayed model may not perform any
action requiring LoS until he spends
one action to clean his eyes. Block
Traits work normally against Acid
in the eyes. A sprayed model may not
perform any action requiring a Line
of sight until he spends one action to
clean his eyes.
Hive Mind (5 pts)
Models with Hive Mind do not test
Morale as long as a model with Hive
Queen is on the table. If the Hive
Queen is destroyed, all models with
Hive Mind must pass a Morale roll at
-1 or be removed from the game.
Models with Hive Mind may not use
magic items.
Hive Queen (P,L, R1) (14 pts)
As long as the model is on the
table, friends with Hive Mind do not
test morale. If the model is destroyed,
all friends with Hive Mind must pass
Enslaved (R8) (-3 pts)
If at any point you have only a Morale roll at -1 or be removed
Enslaved models in play, you lose the from the game. Your warband may
not have more than one model with
Hive Queen.
Fire Ant Venom (3 pts)
Designer’s Note:
The Hive Queen
Whenever the model rolls the same
number as its opponent in melee, the
Hive Mind Traits
may also be used
model has injected its venom. The
to represent a necromancer controlling
opponent gains one Venom token. A
undead troops.
model with any Venom tokens may
Tree Cutter (4 pts)
not move or perform Aimed Shots or
The model may fell trees by
Power Blows. It takes one action to performing a two-action Task while
remove a Venom token. Undead, adjacent to a tree. The tree falls in a
Artificial, and Swarm creatures are direction determined by the model
that performed the cutting. Use a 1 x
Short x 1 x Medium rectangle to
Formic Acid (1 pt)
If the model dies a Gruesome represent the area of the falling tree.
Death, the weapon used to attack it is Any model in that area must perform
destroyed. Exception: magic weapons a successful Q roll on one die (at -1 if
are unaffected. Any living, non-Ant Clumsy or Heavily Armored, +1 if
model in base-to-base contact with the Acrobat, Agile, or Leafwalk) or take a
model at the moment of death must C3 Free Hack. Block Traits may not be
used against a falling tree.
test Q on one die or be sprayed
Giant Ant Worker
Points 36 Q 4+ C 2
Traits: Big, Clinging, Formic
Acid, Hive Mind
Enslaved Giant Ant Worker
Points 32 Q 4+ C 2
Traits: Big, Clinging, Enslaved,
Formic Acid, Hive Mind
Giant Ant Soldier
Points 58 Q 3+ C 3
Traits: Big, Clinging, Formic
Acid, Hive Mind
Enslaved Giant Ant Soldier
Points 39 Q 4+ C 3
Traits: Big, Clinging, Enslaved,
Formic Acid, Hive Mind
Giant Ant Soldier with Stinger
Points 64 Q 3+ C 3
Traits: Big, Clinging, Formic
Acid, Hive Mind, Poison
Giant Fire Ant Soldier
Points 64 Q 3+ C 3
Traits: Big, Clinging, Fire Ant
Venom, Formic Acid, Hive Mind
Giant Ant Winged Scout
Points 68 Q 3+ C 2
Traits: Big, Clinging, Flying,
Formic Acid, Hive Mind
Giant Carpenter Ant Scout
Points 48 Q 4+ C 3
Traits: Big, Clinging, Forester,
Formic Acid, Hive Mind
Giant Carpenter Ant Worker
Points 50 Q 4+ C 3
Traits: Big, Clinging,, Formic
Acid, Hive Mind, Tree Cutter
Giant Ant Queen - Personality
Points 124 Q 3+ C 4
Traits: Acid Spray, Clinging,
Formic Acid, Hive Queen (P.L,
R1), Huge, Rare 1, Tough (P)
Carpenter Ant Queen -
Points 132 Q 3+ C 4
Traits: Acid Spray, Clinging,
Formic Acid, Hive Queen (P.L,
R1), Huge, Rare 1, Tough (P), Tree
Worshipper of Gro Khair (Ogre)
Points: 50
Q 4+ C 4
Traits: Big, Huge Weapon (W),
Scenario 1:
A giant ant community has grown dangerously large. The local
authorities hire adventurers to destroy the pheromone “pathways” created by
scout ants and to kill any ants that stray into civilized territories. A party of
adventurers (400 points from any human or humanoid roster) is hired by the
local alchemists’ guild. One character of the player’s choice is armed with a
chemical spray to wipe out the ants’ trails. The pathways are marked on the
gaming board using a strip of fabric or paper. Divide them into 5 sections. The
character can break up the pathway as a 2-action Task per section. The
character must reach the mid-point of a section in order to commence spraying
it. When the character completes the Task, remove the section. The character
performing the spraying may not use ranged weapons or two handed weapons
unless he drops the spray contraption, but he may fight normally with a hand
weapon in melee.
Giant Ants must prevent the pathways from being erased. Scout Ants may
perform a Task to lay down a new pathway section (a 3-Action Task per section).
Adventurers deploy first, on one baseline of their choice. Ants
are deployed anywhere on the table, but not closer than 1 x Long to any
Victory Conditions:
After 15 turns, the game ends. Each side makes 3 victory
point per section erased (the adventurers) or still in play (the ants), plus 1 point
per enemy destroyed or moved off the table. The side with more victory points
is the winner and receives one upgrade (for the ants, it means adding one
Worker model).
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