The Red Book of Appin Translated by Scarabaeus.pdf

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The Red Book of Appin
Translated by Scarabaeus
Tractat on black magic
and demonolatry
from the collection of Joseph Appin
"For there is no God besides Our Lord Devil,
and He has no other servants, besides the
devoted to Him. Reject light, acquire Darkness,
and reject Christ, acquire Beast. And eternity
shall dwell within thine heart, enlightened
by flame, for from age to age it exists,
and light is not light, but Darkness is."
Some say that The Red Book had been dictated by Vlad Tepes himself to some
monk Kirill. If it is so or not, we cannot say, but the devil-worshipping of the great
romanian general is an unquestionable fact, which no serious black adept can deny.
It is well known that this document, enwrapped in blood-red leather of some
unknown creature (according to rumors , that was one of lower demons, invoked by
Vlad specially for this purpose), was kept by the english merchant Joseph Appin (from
this comes the title of the book), who died in 1689 and bequeathed to bury it together
with him.
Having accomplished their father`s behest, two of his sons afterwards digged his
grave out in order to get the access to the source of terrible transcendent knowledge, but
found no book there.
It is possible that the book had been stolen by some offspiring of Vlad, and since
then it was imparted from father to son until the year 1869, when it got into the hands of
the Hungarian secret community <Tremalosh>, which afterwards turned to one of
branches of the Great Black Lodge under the abbreviation A.C.C. The copy had been
imparted to the Pontiphic of the Lodge Johan Kellenheim in 1901 and translated to
polish and german.
The further destinity of the original is unknown. It`s written in the purest version of
the enochian language, in comparison with which the language of John Dee is just a
pitiable senseless murmuring, and not with enochian symbols but with latin letters,
which confirms the version of writing it by the monk, unfamiliar with the Heavenly
We thank N.S.T. of G.B.L. for the help offered.
A.M.C. Vendetta
Part I
In the year 1461 I had a vision. A horseman dressed in red arose before me and
told me such words:
<Thou art an offspring of the Great Beast, who has come onto earth with the
message, of He who was known amid people by the name Attila, the Leader of gunns.
Reject the Crucified, for he is a filth, and follow the way, which your ancestors did
follow. Worship the Princes of Darkness and serve to Them.
I`ll give you the key from seven Wells and Holes of the Abyss and Twelve Sources
in its base, for the name of Mine is Builder of Tower and Hunter, not knowing mercy.
Follow me, My Son, holding rituals and spilling blood, into the land where evening
and night never ends.
I`ll give you the Sign of Sunset, and my seal shall be on thine forehead.>
And the words, pronounced by the horseman, showed me the way, and now I will
tell you, son of human, about the ways to invoke the powers of Darkness and to
converse with Them, to bring gifts to Them and to accept gifts from Them.
All that used to be done long before the repulsive birth of God`s Son and will be
done to the desecration of his miserable name.
First of all, learn the three rules, that must be fulfilled.
First, never ask demons for help when your heart belongs to the church -- They
hate this kind and make everything to destroy them.
Second, blasphemy during the rites cannot be superfluous, just like prudence and
diligence with which you get prepared for them cannot, too.
Third, He who stepped onto the path may never escape from it and may never
betray another wizard, and furthermore he never may betray His Lord Prince of
Darkness -- such are doomed on the punishment so dreadful that all the unholy folk,
deprivileged before His Face and wandering all over the world in search of a prey, fall
down of fright, just heaving heard of it.
Wizard has no family, for his kinfolk will be like a cattle for him. He must be
ready to kill his wife, son or daughter, when it is demanded by the rules of the rite and
never pity them, otherwise he breaks the third rule, betraying the Lord, and his life will
turn to bitter, and demons will turn away from him, and after his death will punish him.
Death does not frighten those who fulfil the rules -- some even avoid it and live at
the boundary between light and shadow for long centuries, until the Spirit of Flying
Dog come for them, to bring them to some distant land.
To become a wizard one must first of all reject the church of god. Attend to a
cemetery or another place where human bones rest or to the walls of a temple of god
and say so:
I curse thee, Jesus from Nazareth
Slave of a slave, brat of a whore.
Shall thine sufferings be strengthened
And shall they never end.
Cursed be God the Father
Cursed be God the Son
Cursed be God the Holy Spirit,
For ages of ages
Ya Ya Varaclaa Dezerbet Xuu
Ya Namosh
(in the name of Beelzebub, Astaroth and Moloch shall it be thus)
There are also the words of denial in <Sinichias> by Veron : < Iisus Kenos
Xavatrabes El Tartari Ashmodey Baalberit Zariatnatmic Maimon Te Stauros Zarrafrom
(The legendary black wizard Veron lived on Cyprus in V-VI centuries of our era.
Practically no credible information is remained about him. The authorship of some
tractat <Sinichias> is attributed to him, which also hasn`t survived till nowadays.)
(Zarrafrom - the word of eternal damnation, used by greec black wizards and is
analogy for the kabbalistic word of evil Nimmerzeth.)
There are also many others, but I will not narrate about all of them, for by thousand
ways the contemptible bastard had been cursed in his mother`s womb by demons who
know all things from the first to the last day of the world, witches cursed him in places
unoccupied by humans, and wizards who knew that he must come did so , and
hundreds of books won`t include all the curses pronounced by them.
Now I shall tell you how the ritual Numitor, or initation, must be carried out, when
the one who rejected Christ becomes a follower of the wizard.
For that, let him go by the path, carved by wild boars in a silent forest, at night
before the Ivan`s day, for wizards often use to wander by this path on such a time.
Having met one of them, shall he bow three times before the wizard and three times
claim his denial, and also his intention to become an adept.
The wizard having touched his forehead by his hand will verify that he really
denies. Whoever deceives wizard will be killed by wizard.
After that the black wizard will lead him to a valley where grass doesn`t grow and
draw on the ground a circle so that the hand and the trident face the north. He stands
with his back facing the south and the adept stands facing him, wizard will ask him:
Are you ready to step into the community of the sevants of the Darkness ? And the
adept must reply: Yes. Are you ready to follow me in everything I tell you ? And may
the adept reply: Yes. Are you ready to be cruel and merciless, not to love your fellow
and in everything to listen to me, until I tell you otherwise ? And shall he reply, as
before: Yes.
After that the wizard will wound the left hand of the adept with his dagger and give
him the name. From that moment on the adept becomes initiated and the follower of the
wizard, and will obey his Teacher till the day, when the Teacher goes beyond the limit,
dividing day from night, and only then the adept will become a wizard.
Now I will explain in details the inscriptions and symbols in the circle, for they are
very important.
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