E. A. Koetting - Rape Of The Archangels.pdf

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E.A. Koetting - Rape of the Archangels
Rape of the
E.A. Koetting
Become A Living God - 2
E.A. Koetting - Rape of the Archangels
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Become A Living God - 3
E.A. Koetting - Rape of the Archangels
Rape of the Archangels
A great warlord and undefeatable archer, Arjuna, rode into
battle, armies upon armies behind him, swords, spears, arrows and
shields ready to bring the opposing army, one of equal number and
arms, to certain death.
As Arjuna drew closer to the moment of murder, he was paid of
visit by a guest that only he could see, Krishna, the Supersoul, the
embodiment of the Godhood.
In the seconds before the arrows began to fly into the bodies of
the enemy, Krishna and Arjuna held a conversation that should have
lasted hours, wherein Arjuna was given the secrets to a godly life, to
absolute enlightenment, to power and wisdom known mainly by the
Devas. In his moment of illumination, Arjuna's attention returned to
the battlefield, to the enemy that he was to kill, and to the fact that if
he did not, his lands would be devoured, his women would be raped,
his children would be enslaved, and he asked in tears to his divine
guest, "How can I kill these men, that now I know they are my
The saviors and prophets that have arrived in these past few
hundred years would advise to throw down the spears and arrows, to
return home to comfort the violated women and to politely hand over
the child slaves to their new masters. As truth would have it, though,
from the lips of the Divine Krishna, this is not the path to
enlightenment. Arjuna must not only kill those on the battlefield to
defend his homeland, but must destroy them utterly, and must chase
them to their own homes to destroy their women and children, so that
no enemy from that land would ever rise up against his people. And
this he must do without attachment, without passion, not in anger nor
in sorrow, but in a knowing that the physical life is not the ultimate
Become A Living God - 4
E.A. Koetting - Rape of the Archangels
reality, and that the souls that leave those bodies will find others, and
that true life continues regardless of the pain caused to the present
incarnation. All that remains, then, is to follow ones Dharma, the Law
of one's personal Wyrd or Destiny, and the wheel of Eternity will spin
on, regardless of the petty actions of kindness or murder, the only
change being that which is within the observer. And so to remain
detached from the actions one commits, only the benefits of those
actions are reaped, karma being left to roam the battlefield and infect
another with grief.
It is the prime Dharma of the Black Magician to seek after and
to possess power - not only power to cause change in his environment
and life, but the power to overturn the balance of fate, to bring the
constellations into a realignment, to herald in the twilight of the gods
if necessary to the fulfillment of his own Destiny. This power is not
come by through rituals performed in bedrooms having been
converted into temples nor through spells found in grimoires sold in
bookstores, but through the most inconceivable actions of the Adept
who is without limitations, who can do anything, both spiritually and
morally, reaping only the reward and leaving the misery to those who
remain attached.
The ancient Vedic scripts teach that through various spiritual
disciplines, certain powers can be attained - superhuman abilities that
rival even those possessed by the Devas. As man becomes more like
unto God, as he unlocks his own Supersoul, he receives with it the
weapons and the tools of the Gods, holding in his hand the three-
pronged scepter of power, wielding the potential of absolute creation,
sustentation, and destruction of all things.
Some of the traditional Siddhis seem, initially, to be silly,
useless to the practical Magician, and outrageous. Others may appear
tempting, although still far-reaching. The Vidyas and Vedas promise
the disciple the ability to fly in the sky with greater ease than a bird, to
swim underwater without concern for the need of oxygen, shrinking
the size of the physical body infinitely, or increasing it infinitely as
well. Teleportation, time travel, levitation, and transmutation of solid
objects are also included in the list of Siddhis. Ridiculous… but not
entirely unheard of. Yogis have been able to hold their breath
indefinitely underwater, several spiritual beliefs and disciplines
understand the reality of levitation either through shifting air pressure
or balancing the electromagnetic aura so profoundly as to rise from
the ground, and quite a few well-known and acknowledged alchemists
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