Barking up the Wrong Tree - The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Success Is (Mostly) Wrong.pdf

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For my parents,
who kindly put up with an orchid, hopeful monster,
unfiltered leader of a son.
What the heck does that mean, you ask?
Well, we better get started . . .
Nothing important comes with instructions.
Title Page
Introduction • What Really Produces Success?
By Looking at the Science Behind What Separates the Extremely Successful
from the Rest of Us, We Learn What We Can Do to Be More Like Them—and
Find Out in Some Cases Why It’s Good That We Aren’t
Chapter 1 • Should We Play It Safe and Do What We’re Told If We Want to
Does Playing by the Rules Pay Off? Insight from Valedictorians, People Who
Feel No Pain, and Piano Prodigies
Chapter 2 • Do Nice Guys Finish Last?
What You Can Learn About Trust, Cooperation, and Kindness . . . from Gang
Members, Pirates, and Serial Killers
Chapter 3 • Do Quitters Never Win and Winners Never Quit?
What Navy SEALs, Video Games, Arranged Marriages, and Batman Can Teach
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