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Floating Boundaries, Pastoralism
and City Life in the Mongol Lands
Edited by Ole Bruun and Li Narangoa
Nordic iNstitute of AsiAN studies
NIAS Studies in Asian Topics
18. Asian Perceptions of Nature
Ole Bruun and Arne Kalland (eds)
19. imperial Policy and southeast Asian Nationalism
Hans Antlöv and Stein Tønnesson
20. The Village concept in the transformation of rural southeast Asia
Mason C. Hoadley and Christer Gunnarsson (eds)
21. identity in Asian Literature
Lisbeth Littrup (ed.)
22. Mongolia in transition
Ole Bruun and Ole Odgaard (eds)
23. Asian forms of the Nation
Stein Tønnesson and Hans Antlöv (eds)
24. The eternal storyteller
Vibeke Børdahl (ed.)
25. Japanese influences and Presences in Asia
Marie Söderberg and Ian Reader (eds)
26. Muslim diversity
Leif Manger (ed.)
27. Women and Households in indonesia
Juliette Koning, Marleen Nolten, Janet Rodenburg
and Ratna Saptari (eds)
28. The House in southeast Asia
Stephen Sparkes and Signe Howell (eds)
29. rethinking development in east Asia
Pietro P. Masina (ed.)
30. coming of Age in south and southeast Asia
Lenore Manderson and Pranee
Liamputtong (eds)
31. imperial Japan and National identities in Asia, 1895–1945
Li Narangoa and Robert
Cribb (eds)
32. contesting Visions of the Lao Past: Lao Historiography at the crossroads
Christopher E. Goscha and Søren Ivarsson (eds)
33. reaching for the dream: challenges of sustainable development in Vietnam
Melanie Beresford and Tran Ngoc Angie (eds)
34. Mongols from country to city: floating Boundaries, Pastoralism and city Life in the
Mongol Lands
Ole Bruun and Li Narangoa (eds)
35. four Masters of chinese storytelling: full-length repertoires of Yangzhou storytelling
on Video
Vibeke Børdahl, Fei Li and Huang Ying (eds)
36. The Power of ideas: intellectual input and Political change in east and southeast Asia
Claudia Derichs and Thomas Herberer (eds)
37. Beyond the Green Myth: Borneo’s Hunter-Gatherers in the 21st century
Bernard Sellato and Peter Sercombe (eds)
38. Kinship and food in southeast Asia
Monica Janowski and Fiona Kerlogue (eds)
Floating Boundaries, Pastoralism and
City Life in the Mongol Lands
edited by ole Bruun and Li Narangoa
Nordic institute of Asian studies
studies in Asian topics, no. 34
first published in 2006 by NiAs Press
Nordic institute of Asian studies
Leifsgade 33, dK–2300 copenhagen s, denmark
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© Nordic institute of Asian studies 2006
All rights reserved. While copyright in the volume as a whole is vested in the Nordic
institute of Asian studies, copyright in the individual papers belongs to their authors.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system
or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the publisher.
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Mongols from country to city : floating boundaries, pastoralism and city life in the
Mongol lands. - (NiAs studies in Asian topics ; 34)
1 . social change - Mongolia 2 . Nomads - Mongolia 3 . rural-urban migration
- Mongolia 4 . Mongolia - social policy
i . Bruun, ole ii . Narangoa, Li
isBN 87-91114-41-1
Layout by donald B. Wagner
Produced by Bookchase
and printed in china
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