The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus_ an ancient Egyptian text (1987).pdf

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The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus is the oldest textbook of its sort
in the world. Found in Thebes in the 1850s it dates back in its
origins to the age of the great pyramid-builders. The ancient
Egyptians were superb arithmeticians, with enough
understanding of geometry and trigonometry to make their
architectural triumphs possible. Their work was later to inspire
the more theoretical achievements of the Greeks. From the
papyrus w e learn how young pupils were subjected to a rigorous
training in the manipulation of numbers that enabled the fully-
fledged scribe to control not only the design and construction of
huge monuments but also the more mundane activities of
everyday life. Some of their methods are similar to those of
today; others have been superseded but nevertheless retain a
fascination of their own. Scholars still argue as to how the
Egyptians obtained certain of their results: the authors provide a
number of new interpretations and set out controversial matters
so that the reader can decide for himself.
Dr G ay Robins is an Honorary Research Fellow in Egyptology at
University College London, was one-time Lady Wallis Budge
Research Fellow in Egyptology at Christ's College, Cambridge,
and is a member of the Oriental Faculty at Cambridge University.
She is the author of numerous analytical studies of Egyptian
graphic art, including
Egyptian Painting and Relief
Publications 1986), and has devised anthropometric techniques
for determining ancient Egyptian stature in collaboration with her
husband, Professor Charles Shute. He is former holder of a Chair
in medical biology at the University of Cambridge, and now also
a member of the Oriental Faculty and a Life Fellow of Christ's
With 23 line drawings and 24 pages of colour
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an ancient Egyptian text
an ancient Egyptian text
Published for the Trustees of the British Museum
by British Museum Publications
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