9780521865913CDW 8.pdf
39298 KB
CD/W 8.1
Arieti Tomb, fragments of painting with lictors. (Photo: Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali-Comune di Roma)
CD/W 8.2
Arieti Tomb, watercolor executed at the time of discovery. (Photo: Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali-Comune
di Roma)
CD/W 8.3
Populonia, fragments with decoration in simulated breccia from the acropolis. Late second century B.C. (Photo:
Courtesy of F. Donati and F. Cavari)
CD/W 8.4
Populonia, fragments with decoration in simulated breccia from the acropolis. Late second century B.C. (Photo:
Courtesy of F. Donati and F. Cavari)
CD/W 8.5
Populonia, fragments with decoration in simulated breccia from the acropolis. Late second century B.C. (Photo:
Courtesy of F. Donati and F. Cavari)
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9780521865913CDW 8.pdf
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9780521865913CDW 6.pdf
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9780521865913CDW 9.pdf
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9780521865913CDW 4.pdf
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9780521865913CDW 5.pdf
(13922 KB)
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