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CD/W 5.1
Lefkadia, Macedonian wall painting: florals with lotus/palmettes from the antechamber ceiling of the Tomb of the
Palmettes (Lekfadia Tomb VII). End of fourth to early third century B.C. (Photo: Hellenic Ministry of Culture / Archaeological
Receipts Fund)
CD/W 5.2
Poteidaia, Macedonian
painting: Eros/Herakles from stone
kline beta
in Macedonian Tomb II. Second half of
fourth century B.C. Thessaloniki, Archaeological Museum inv. ΜΘ 9747. (Photo: Hellenic Ministry of Culture / Archaeological
Receipts Fund)
CD/W 5.3
Kazanlak, Thracian wall painting: detail of a Thraco-Macedonian combat from the east wall of the
of the
Tomb of the Banquet. Early third century B.C. (Courtesy of Dr. Nikola Theodossiev)
CD/W 5.4
Tauric Chersonesos, Crimea, painted stone sarcophagus: a siren and animals, real and mythological. Fourth or third
century B.C. Chersonesos, Archaeological Museum inv. 75/36847. (Photo: Chris Williams / ICA)
CD/W 5.5
Knidos, Knidian wall painting: detail of a frieze with Achilles at a music lesson with Cheiron from Hellenistic House.
Third to first century B.C. Bodrum, Museum of Underwater Archaeology. (Photo courtesy of Orhan Bingöl)
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