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Gabriel Stux Brian Berman Bruce Pomeranz
Basics of Acupuncture
Fifth, Revised Edition
Gabriel Stux Brian Berman
Bruce Pomeranz
Basics of
Translations of Chinese Tenns
A. Sahm
Petra Kofen
Fifth, Revised Edition
With 72 Figures and 20 Tables
This book is based on the following books published by Springer-Verlag:
Acupuncture, Text book and Atlas
ISBN 978-3-540-44273-8
ISBN 978-3-642-18988-3 (eBook)
Einftihrung in die Akupunktur, 6. Auflage
ISBN 978-3-540-44273-8
ISBN 978-3-540-44273-8
Library of Congress Control Number: 2006928953
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Preface to the Fifth Edition
In 1987, our first book
Acupuncture: Textbook and Atlas
rave reviews (e. g., in
New England Journal of Medicine).
prompted us to write this smaller, affordable version in order to
reach a wider audience. The smaller format has been so successful
that we are now into our fifth revised edition. This has given us
the opportunity to update and improve the book. Due to health
considerations of Prof. Bruce Pomeranz, Prof. Brian Berman took
over the current updating of the Scientific Basis of Acupuncture
(Chap. 2). We wellcome the new contributor to the fifth edition;
Dr. Brian Berman is a renowned acupuncture researcher and clini-
cian of the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Also the
section on traditional Chinese medicine was expanded because it
gives a more complete picture of the current practice of acupunc-
ture. Thanks are due to Lillian Garnier Bridges for substantial
insight into the profiling of the 5 constitutional types (Chap. 3.5).
Acupuncture has come a long way since our first book appeared
in 1987. There has been a surge of interest in treating drug ad-
dictions by ear acupuncture in 1500 centers world wide. The
treatment of nausea and vomiting has been well tested (scientifi-
cally) and became a major indication. Research into its efficacy
for neurological and pulmonary diseases is also gaining credibility.
No longer is chronic pain the only scientifically acceptable use for
Finally, the exponential increase in the number of acupuncturists
worldwide has given acupuncture the critical mass needed for its
growth. Indeed, many consider acupuncture to be at the forefront
of alternative medicine based on acceptability by physicians, scien-
tific validation, and its effectiveness. Ironically, the American legal
system in many states has overtaken the medical profession by giv-
ing convicted addicts the choice between jail and acupuncture!
The FDA, in March 1996, finally changed its 1976 ruling on acu-
puncture from being an ªexperimentalº to a legitimate medical
procedure. In 1997 the prestigious NIH Consensus Conference on
acupuncture in Washington concluded that ªPromising results
have emerged, for example, showing efficacy of acupuncture in
adult post-operative and chemotherapy nausea and vomiting and
in post-operative dental pain. There are other situations such as
addiction, stroke rehabilitation, headache, menstrual cramps, tennis
elbow, fibromyalgia, myofacial pain, osteoarthritis, low back pain,
carpal tunnel syndrome, and asthma where acupuncture may be
useful as an adjunct treatment or an acceptable alternative or be
included in a comprehensive management programº (see introduc-
tion, Chap. 1). Acupuncture (along with complementary and alter-
native medicine CAM) is now on the undergraduate curriculum of
65 medical schools in the USA. There are 55 schools accredited
by the US government to teach a four-year full-time course in
acupuncture to non-physicians. Numerous post-graduate courses
are taught to MDs who want to learn acupuncture.
Similar acceptance of acupuncture is occurring world wide.
December 2002
Gabriel Stux
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