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We have the pleasant task of expressing our gratitude to several people who
supported this project. We wish to thank all contributors for their collab-
orative effort and their willingness to communicate and cooperate
intensely, in some cases over long distances. We also thank the respond-
ents, Dorothy Thompson (Cambridge), Christopher Tuplin (Liverpool)
and John Ma (Columbia) who encouraged us to explore further ideas and
made helpful suggestions for the revision of the papers, as well as the
anonymous reviewers and Michael Sharp at Cambridge University Press.
We also wish to thank Boris Chrubasik (Toronto), Peter Eich (Freiburg),
Ole Johannsen (Freiburg) and Benjamin Wieland (Freiburg) for contrib-
uting stimulating papers to the conference preceding this book yet not
converting their talks to chapters in this volume. We are indebted to several
funding bodies who generously contributed to the funding of the confer-
ence, in particular the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the
Humanismus Heute Foundation Baden-Württemberg and the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft and the American Friends of the Alexander von
Humboldt Foundation. Finally, special thanks to Clara Hillebrecht,
Stephan Neitmann, Alison Weaverdyck and Deirdre Klokow who helped
to prepare the manuscript for publication.
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