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Labors of the Gods
Goalsystem Mythic Skirmish In The Age Of Heroes
Cred its
by Scott R. Pyle
Layout and Design: Joseph Dragovich
Cover Art: Dave Powell
Interior Ilustraion: Joseph Dragovich, Dave Powell
Editing: Aaron Tobul
Playtesting: Joseph Dragovich, Schuyler Hernstrom, Scott Pyle, Louis Reash, Amy Stoelzel, Carl
Stoelzel, Stuart Surgent, Aaron Tobul
Figure Credits: Many figures courtesy of Mega Miniatures. Find them online at Other figures from the following manufacturers: Wargames
Foundry, Games Workshop, and Old Glory.
Special Thanks: JoAnn and Annabelle Rizzo
Copyright ©2011 Scott R. Pyle and Four-Color Figures
Tab le of Contents
Introduction.................................................................... 1
LOTG Basics..........................................................
Model Traits and Creation......................................4
Divine Blessings.....................................................
Godly Artifacts......................................................
Miscellanious Equipment.......................................12
Other Values.........................................................
Combat Stats.......................................................
Actions and Combat....................................................15
The Combat Round...............................................15
................................................................. 16
Special Actions......................................................
................................................................ 20
Taken Out...
............................................................ 24
................................................................ 25
Creating Follower Groups.....................................27
.......................................................................... 28
Hercles' Seekers...................................................
The Threacians.....................................................
Daghters of Hecate...............................................32
.......................................................................... 35
Pitched Battle.......................................................37
Battle of the Oracle..............................................
Hunting the Titan's Children.................................
Ill-Met in Corinth..................................................
Legacy of the Gods...............................................
Special Events Index.............................................44
Post Battle Results................................................46
Post Battle Resources...........................................
Trait Descriptions......................................................... 52
Mounts and Combat....................................................56
Th e Rules
I ntroducti on
The abode of the gods was on the summit of Mount Olympus, in Thessaly. A gate of clouds, kept by the goddesses named the
Seasons, opened to permit the passage of the Celestials to earth, and to receive them on their return. The gods had their
separate dwellings; but all, when summoned, repaired to the palace of Jupiter, as did also those deities whose usual abode was
the earth, the waters, or the under-world. It was also in the great hall of the palace of the Olympian king that the gods
feasted each day on ambrosia and nectar, their food and drink, the latter being handed round by the lovely goddess Hebe.
Here they conversed of the affairs of heaven and earth; and as they quaffed their nectar, Apollo, the god of music, delighted
them with the tones of his lyre, to which the Muses sang in responsive strains.
–Bullfinch's Mythology
Labors of the Gods (LotG) provides rules and
scenarios for playing skirmish games in a Bronze Age
world of exploration, magic, and mythology. Skirmish
games allow players to do battle on the tabletop using
small warbands of miniatures, and empower players to
tell a collective story with their characters as the
central players. In order to play LotG, players will
require these rules, a handful of six-sided dice (a few
different colors or styles will be helpful), and a
warband containing suitable 15mm or 28mm
miniatures. LotG works best with two players, or two
distinct "sides", but three or more players can get into
the action by running different figures from either of
the two opposing forces.
About the Myths
This initial rules set confines itself to mostly Bronze
Age Greek mythology, including imagery and themes
liberally borrowed from the actual myths, motion
pictures, and other popular media. If the demand is
there, it is very possible that subsequent releases
might cover other contemporaneous pantheons of
gods, or perhaps branch out into other areas.
LotG Basics
The Key Rule
LotG belongs to its players. If you don't like the way
something works, discuss it with your gaming group
and make a change that is acceptable to everyone.
Model Count
As a skirmish game, LotG requires only a handful of
miniatures per side. At most, a player might field a
band of four to five heroes and perhaps 15 - 20
followers. Players form these followers into groups, or
units, that operate as one miniature, and make
managing them very easy. In these rules the terms
"model" and "character" are used interchangeably.
The Goal Roll
Goal rolls comprise the heart of LotG. Most actions in
the game require a goal roll, and during every goal roll
a character model or group of followers has a certain
number, or pool of dice which its player must roll. The
player rolls the dice and looks for dice rolling 4 or
greater (i.e., 4, 5, or 6); this will determine the number
of goals collected in that throw. Dice rolling less than
4 are ignored. The shorthand notation for dice in LotG
is the number of dice followed by the letter "D", so a
pool of five dice would be generally noted in the rules
as 5D.
Table Size
Games of LotG using 28mm figures should be played
on a 4' x 4' terrain surface. Players using 15mm figures
should use a 2' x 2' play area.
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