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assault Publishing STUDIO
Proudly Presents
in the Void
sci-fi space combat
miniature wargame
By Marcin gerkowicz
FREE Digital edition
Assault Publishing
Sci-Fi Tabletop Wargame
by Marcin Gerkowicz
Digital edition
page 1/90
Shadows in the Void
Shadows in the Void
Sci-Fi Miniature Wargame
Copyright @ Marcin Gerkowicz
Marcin Gerkowicz
Michael Lawler
Ignacy Kurowski
Marcin Gerkowicz
Środkowa 1/16
20-015 Lublin
Tel. +48 606 254334
Copyright Marcin Gerkowicz 2018. All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any way
without written permission of the copyright owner.
ISBN 978-83-933513-7-4
page 2/90
Assault Publishing
I'm very proud that we managed to bring the
Shadows in the Void
to completion. This rulebook is the result of nearly two years of hard work:
designing, writing, play-testing and proofreading.
is not just a ruleset – it is the first Assault Publishing game
with a dedicated line of 1/600 (3mm) miniatures, designed by me and
manufactured by Oddział Ósmy. At the moment of its release, the line
covers all entries from two of the army lists, with additional models in the
But the coolest thing about making this game was the cooperation with
many great people, which is why I dedicate this rulebook to them! Thank
you, my friends, for all your support!
Marcin Gerkowicz
Growing up in a small town in Georgia, art has always been a way for me
to express myself and to create worlds for people to look into that are
more interesting than our own. After High School, I joined the US Navy,
where I met my wife. We've raised a family, moving all over the United
States and experiencing life in many different settings. During this time, I
learned 3d modeling and animation and worked on many very technical
projects. After moving to San Diego, I decided that I would teach myself
illustration and focus more on the creative aspects of art and get back to
my roots. Along the way, I've had the pleasure of working with many great
clients, some of them include Red Leaf Comics, 300 Posts Publishing,
Titan-Forge Miniatures, Chapterhouse Studios, the United States Military,
and now, Assault Publishing. It has been a great pleasure to work on
Shadows in the Void, hopefully you'll be seeing more from me in the
Michael Lawler
Having worked on all five games released by Assault Publishing (and
having read some unreleased ones), I always thought that Hind
Commander was the most interesting one, even though it is somewhat
complicated. So when Marcin sent me a first draft of a new spacecraft
game based on a modified version of Hind Commander, I was pretty
This time my job wasn't only the usual play-testing and proofreading.
Marcin asked me – along with three other collaborators – to provide
background for one of the factions included in this rulebook. Although it
took me some time, I'm quite pleased with the final result – and the other
race descriptions are really good too!
But lore isn't the most important thing – it's the rules that really matter.
Shadows in the Void is a dynamic game with five factions, each offering
different tactical possibilities, and a choice of ready-made and randomly
generated scenarios. I'm really proud to have helped in it's creation.
Ignacy Kurowski
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