Knock! #2.pdf

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An Adventure Gaming Bric-à-brac
Being A Compendium of Miscellanea for Use with
Old School
Role Playing Games
An Adventure Gaming
Editor in Chief:
Éric Nieudan
Ballet Master,
Handyman & Layout Lamiña:
Olivier Revenu
The Strong Survive: Training Regimen for Fighting-Men.
Follow the instructions therein,
training 12 hours a day for 30 days and get a permanent +1 to Strength, or 13 if your score was
12 or less.
Intelligent Magic: Avneccjak’s Recipe to Inscribing Spell Scrolls.
Study for d12
hours and memorize the wizard’s spell secretly stored in its pages. Storing a new spell requires
the ability to cast it and 100 GP per spell level worth of inks.
Wisdom of the Ancients, As
Gathered by Goergh the Godless.
The prayers contained in this codex give the reader 5%
chance per level of divine intervention. It doesn’t guarantee which deity will respond though.
Dexterous Dissidents & Devious Demagogues.
After learning the techniques in this tome,
which takes a total of 100 hours, the reader can attempt to convince someone of anything
once a day (save allowed).
The Fifth Constitution of the Dwarven Empire, Revised and
Studying all seven of these scrolls (2d6 hours each) dulls the mind. The reader gets
a permanent +2 to saves against charms and illusions.
The Neo-Skaldic School of Charis-
matic Miracles, A Manifesto.
A character devoting their life to the principles revealed in this
book becomes one of the legendary musical spellcasters known as bards.
Art by Sidney Sime.
Eric Nieudan
It feels like we were putting together our first issue just a few weeks ago, yet
as I’m typing this we are about to send number two to the printer’s. I suppose
that, next to the two years we spent assembling the first one, these past six
months felt like the blink of an eye. Maybe this is because I am just a
three-dimensional meatsack stuck in a linear time continuum?
Or maybe I just need sleep.
Let me first thank you, our backers and readers. Once again, we are humbled
by the amount of interest and support you give us. It feels like our little niche
of the hobby is growing every day. Merci beaucoup ! We are proud to be part
of the great takeover of adventure games with you.
So we come to you with another thick brick of a bric-à-brac. Among other
things, we have some hexcrawls and exploration related pieces. You could
almost call this our Expert Set… But don’t fear, we don’t plan to stop at
Immortals! We’ve only just scratched the surface. There are metric tons of
great content out there — some that has stuck with us over the years, some
we may have read but failed to put to use, and a lot we’ve never even seen.
And of course, we will keep asking our favourite designers to come up
with new stuff.
So find a comfortable seat aboard, this cruise is just starting.
Care to react to something?
Write to us, or better yet, submit an article!
We like to keep our bazaar bizarre.
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