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CLASH of Spears
This book is dedicated to our parents, who got us
here and to our respective wives and kids who
joined us in search for the riddle of steel.
Interior art:
Photography editing:
Graphic design and layout
Cover Art:
Cover Design:
Miniature painters:
© Fighting Hedgehog 2019
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be
reproduced without permission from the authors,
except as permitted by U.S. law.
Design Contributors:
Proofreading and editing:
Maps by
Authors Francisco and Alvaro; photo by Diego
Spallatti, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2019
Dalibor Dalcor Zeman, Jindřich Zeman
1. Introduction ............................................................ 7
1.1 What is CLASH? .............................................. 7
1.2 What You Need to Play ................................ 8
1.3 Game Scale ....................................................... 9
2. Your Army ............................................................. 11
2.1 Line Troops ................................................... 11
2.2 Unit Formations .......................................... 13
2.21 Loose order ........................................... 13
2.22 Close order............................................. 14
2.3 Characters ..................................................... 17
3. General Game Concepts................................... 21
3.1 Dice and Dice Rolls..................................... 21
3.2 Terrain ............................................................ 22
3.21 Area terrain ........................................... 22
3.23 Obstacles ................................................ 22
3.24 Hills and elevations ............................ 23
3.3 Line of Sight .................................................. 24
3.4 Measuring Distances ................................. 26
3.5 Morale and Fatigue .................................... 27
3.51 Actions and fatigue ............................. 27
3.52 Morale Tests .......................................... 28
3.53 Effects of fatigue .................................. 30
4. The Game Turn ................................................... 33
4.1 Sequence of Play ......................................... 33
4.2 The Strategy Phase .................................... 33
4.3 The Activation Phase ................................ 34
4.31 Becoming the active player............. 34
4.32 Option a): Activating units and
character models........................................... 34
4.33 Option b): Resting or rallying a unit
.............................................................................. 37
4.34 Option c): Choosing to pass ............ 37
4.35 Actions ..................................................... 40
4.36 Additional character actions........... 46
4.4 The End Phase .............................................. 48
4.41 Recovery and delayed effects ......... 48
4.42 Check victory conditions .................. 48
5. Close Combat ........................................................ 49
5.1 Combat Mechanics...................................... 49
5.11 Hold ........................................................... 50
5.12 Defend ...................................................... 51
5.13 Counterattack ....................................... 52
5.2 Retreat ............................................................. 54
5.3 Characters in Combat ................................ 54
5.4 Other Melee Considerations ................... 55
6. Soldiers and War Gear ...................................... 59
6.1 Weapons Characteristics ......................... 59
6.11 Melee weapons ..................................... 59
6.12 Missile weapons ................................... 61
6.2 Armor and Saves ......................................... 64
6.3 Traits ................................................................ 66
6.31 Martial Traits ........................................ 66
6.32 Disposition Traits ................................ 72
6.33 Physical Traits ...................................... 74
7. Other Tools of War............................................. 75
7.1 Elephants ........................................................ 76
7.2 Light Chariots ............................................... 82
8. Putting It All Together ...................................... 85
8.1 Activation phase example................... 85
8.2 Throw Action Example ........................ 90
8.3 Tokens and Counters for CLASH...... 91
9. Fighting a Battle .................................................. 93
9.1 Setting the Scene ......................................... 93
9.1.1 Scenario selection .............................. 93
9.1.2 Terrain Setup ....................................... 93
9.2 Determine Force Fate Points.................. 95
CLASH of Spears
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