Across the Endless Sea - Game Playbook.pdf

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The People of the Endless Sea
The eyes of the People are keen and unblinking, and spot hidden dangers and opportunities that others may miss:
The People might have names like Aren, Aroha, Din, Frae, Geid, Halye, Hine, Keef, Maade, Oka, Piree, Ruiha, Savay,
Sinta, Tharr, Voinon, Wayan, or Wirt.
Members of the People:
The hands of the People are strong and clever, and many skills and crafts are represented among their number:
The People travel in rafts and kayaks, maybe on one great vessel or maybe in a flotilla.
The People have no single monolithic faith to which they all belong. They all share belief in the Spark-Bringer, and the
rites of Sunreturn. but beyond that there are as many beliefs and worships reflected among their number as there are
islands in the Endless Sea.
The People reckon the year in twelve months, using a solar calendar based on the teachings of the Shrine of Sunreturn.
Here, then, are the six months of their journey and their traditional names:
1. The first month, the close of summer, Plenty
2. The second month, the open of autumn, Swiftness (also called High Winds)
3. The third month, the heart of autumn, Respite (or Rest)
Encounter: The Voice chooses what has changed since the last voyage
4. The fourth month, the close of autumn, Hardship
Encounter: The Eyes choose what marks that The People are getting close
5. The fifth month, the open of winter, Remembrance
6. The sixth month, the heart of winter, Return. Encounter: The Hands choose what final challenge must be overcome.
The hearts of the People are deep and wild as the ocean, and many values and virtues guide them in their voyaging:
The memories of the People are ancient and well-kept, and many rituals and customs are kept among their number:
The voices of the People are rich and haunting, and many tales and customs forgotten elsewhere find life again on their lips:
Things Won
Things Lost
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