Bite Marks - Werewolf Pack Dynamics.pdf

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Bite Marks
Becky Annison
Becky Annison
First published in 2019 by Black Armada
ISBN 978-1-9161722-2-7
Each writer for
Bite Marks
including the game, the scenarios and the
essay retains individual copyright for their work.
Morrighan Corbel and Vincent Sammy retain individual copyright for their
respective illustrations.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without
the prior permission of the copyright owner.
The collection and arrangement copyright © Black Armada 2019.
Credits and thanks
Game design and writing: Becky Annison
Cover illustration: Vincent Sammy
Interior illustrations: Vincent Sammy and Morrighan Corbel
Copyediting and proofreading: Mo Holkar
Layout: Elizabeth Lovegrove
Sensitivity editing on the skins: Helen Gould
This game would not have been possible without the influence and innovation of
Women of
the Otherworld, Apocalypse World
A huge thank you to the work of Kelley
Armstrong, Meg Baker, Vincent Baker and Avery Alder, without whom I couldn't have shaped
my barely formed ideas about werewolf packs into something approaching a playable game.
I am eternally grateful to an amazing community of supportive people I am honoured to call my
packmates. Simon Burdett, Kate Bullock, Whitney Delaglio, Sue Elliot, Josh Fox, Hijos del Rol,
The Gauntlet, Nick Golding, Helen Gould, Mo Holkar, Kit La Touche, Elizabeth Lovegrove, Paul
Mitchener, Matteo “triex” Suppo, Eadwin Tomlinson, the UK Indie RPG League and Isa Wills.
Thank you to Meg Baker for reading my unedited work and not recoiling in horror at the mess of it.
Thank you to a Rose by any other Game – my pack for life.
This game uses the phrase ‘play vulnerable’, for which thanks and inspiration goes to Elin
Dalstäl, who transformed my role-playing with those two little words.
Thank you to Josh Fox, for everything and more.
Finally, and importantly, thank you to my Kickstarter backers without whose love, support and
actual cash money this game would not have been published.
A huge thank you to all my playtesters!
Alessia Vittoria "Morrigan" Bartolacelli, Simon Burdett, Charles Cenni, Josh Fox, Nick Golding,
Grant Howitt, Jay Iles, Annetta Ives, Rhiannon Lassiter, David Loader, Chris Longhurst,
Elizabeth Lovegrove, Laura Mazzolini, Simon Miller, Paul Mitchener, Jo Smith, Matteo “triex”
Suppo, Eadwin Tomlinson, Penda Tomlinson, James Torrance, Valerio "Ciriola" Valenti, Caroline
Walker and Isa Wills.
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