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Game Reference
Details Overview
Part 4 - Agenda & Principles
Hard details
describe a fundamental change to some property of a person, place, or thing (e.g., dealing
damage, changing an object, annoying someone).They are added explicitly as a result of an Action Roll. During
the game, write down all hard details added to a character, weapon, enemy, or anything else.
Harm details
are a specific type of Hard detail that can lead to becoming
a hard detail is
added, it should be specified that it’s a hard detail. Player characters are overcome when their 4
harm detail is
recorded, which takes them out of the scene until they get help.
Soft details
can be added more freely and make only temporary or superficial changes to the world (e.g.,
moving around, calling out to an ally, asking a character a question). These are often added implicitly via
moment-to-moment roleplaying (without saying you’re adding details to the scene).
scene detail
is a detail that changes the scenery or your tactics, i.e., things that are part of the scene, but not
a property of a character or item.The Arbiters will maintain a list of scene details.
When granted a
hard detail,
you can always add a
scene detail
soft detail
Ticking the Collateral Clock
Whenever a character does something that can have negative effects on the world or its inhabitants, any player
may tick that location’s collateral clock. Sometimes, the player whose character performed the action will tick
the clock themselves!
Also, whenever scene details are applied on a roll that the World was at risk, you should likely be ticking the
collateral clock as well as describing what is going wrong!.
Aspect Reference
Feats of Athleticism and Might
Think quickly and call upon your knowledge
Connect with others and push through struggle
Rules for an Overloaded Mood
A Mood gets overloaded when the Mood Level is above the Overload Threshold and the Mood Die rolls under
the Mood Level.You and the Arbiters should take this into account when applying Details for that roll, and you
should incorporate the over-use of that Mood in your roleplay while you remain overloaded.
Rolling while Overloaded
Be sure to increment whatever Mood you roll, even when Overloaded.
Rolls made with the Mood that you are overloaded with are made at Mood Advantage.
Rolls made with other Moods are made at Mood Disadvantage. This could cause you to Overload a different
mood.The following rules also apply when choosing a different Mood:
Choosing a different Mood to act with will end the Overload regardless of who wins the roll.This should
be represented and roleplayed in the fiction.
If you win this roll, clear the checkboxes from the Mood that is no longer overloaded. Describe what it was
like for your character to overcome in this way.
If you lose this roll, put one of your sentiments at risk by marking the next unchecked checkbox. Describe
which sentiment you are affecting and how it happens.
If the roll has a difference of 0, follow the rules for both winning and losing the roll.
Action Roll Reference
Before Rolling:
Player states their desired outcome
Arbiters choose aspect and state what's most at risk
The Aspects are Body, Mind, and Heart.
Either theWorld or the Character will be at risk.This determines who wins on which die.
What’s At Risk
Player Wins Arbiters Win
Arbiters Win Player Wins
Choose Mood and increment Mood Level
Mark the next box on the Mood Level Track of your character sheet
Check details for Advantage or Disadvantage
Choose or create Relevant Skill
New skills come in with a 0 modifier, but can be upgraded later.
Risk Sentiment for Mood Advantage
If you win the roll, your sentiment will have helped greatly
If you lose the roll, you will put the sentiment one step closer to Lost
Roll the dice!
Roll your Aspect Die and Mood Level
Advantage: Roll two of that die and choose the result
Disadvantage: Roll two of that die and Arbiters choose the result
Multiple advantages do not stack, an advantage & disadvantage will cancel
After Rolling:
Get help.They roll a Mood and raise its level.
If you choose to use their die, your relationship grows stronger
If you reject their die, they get in the way and your relationship weakens
Determine theWinning Side and apply Details
Use the table below to determine the winner.
Check for Mood Effects
Overload if your mood die is lower than its Mood Level (past the Overload Threshold)
TheWinning Side changes the selected Mood if you marked the last Mood Level
Results Table
Use the row in the below table corresponding to the difference of the dice to add details:
Each side adds one Hard Detail.
Winning side adds one Hard Detail, and adds one negative Hard Detail of their choosing.
Winning side adds one Hard Detail.
Winning side adds one Hard Detail and one Scene Detail.
Winning side adds two Hard Details.
High Die
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