Quilt Of Shadows.pdf

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Quilt of Shadows
A PBTA Game of Community in a
Low-Fantasy Apocalypse
Jacqueline Bryk
With thanks to…
Ian A. A. Watson
Benjamin Walker
for contributions and
assistance in brainstorming.
Meredith Gerber
for layout.
Alden Strock, Andrew Sirkin, Blaine C. Rineer, Craig Eisenberger,
David Leaman, Devon Martinez, Erykah Rose, Hel McGee, Jessica
Price, Katriel Page, Marshall Bradshaw, Morna Callahan, Natalie
Walschots, Rose Bailey,
Satyros Phil Brucato
for their support on
my Patreon.
Stephen Dewey
Ten Candles,
the game that changed my life.
D. Vincent Baker
Meg Baker
for the Powered by
the Apocalypse system.
Where We Are
The sun is dying out. It’s like a storm is coming, but slowly and constantly. Every day we
wake up to a sunrise that is slightly dimmer than the last. We don’t know what mage cast a
spell that went wrong, or which king angered which god, but we know that we’re marching
inexorably towards an end … if not The End.
Quilt of Shadows
is a Powered By The Apocalypse game about a medieval fantasy world
where the sun is dying. In other games, you might play the brave heroes who venture to the
edge of the horizon to save the Prime Material Plane or the center of the universe or even
the sun itself. Here, you play the people who are suffering with the disappearances of their
liege lords, in towns where survival is key over any heroic feat. You will not be playing great
fighters or battle priests or powerful mages. Instead, you are the farmer in the valley who
keeps your town fed, the cleric who keeps their spirits light, or the link who runs in-be-
tween hamlets on secret errands. As you read this book, you will notice that most charts
and explanations are laid out in a 3x3 or 3x4 grid. This is to represent your quilt, your
patched-together fabric of community during the apocalypse. Your quilt might be your
friends and family, your town and customers, or even your connection to other demesnes.
Your quilt is also yourself -- you are supported, if not defined, by your connections.
What You’ll Need
• 1 Master of Ceremonies (MC), the person who runs the game.
•Between 3 and 6 players.
•1 set of 2d6 for each player, including the MC.
•Playbooks, printed from this PDF
•The worldbuilding questions from this PDF
• Notecards
• Pens or pencils
How to Play
Each player should choose a playbook and fill out all the prompts EXCEPT for the
Threads. Remember to choose Vocations and Deviations.
As a group, fill out the Worldbuilding Questions on the next page to get an idea of what the
world at large looks like.
Talk about your Town. Some question to consider:
•What is it called?
•What are the boundaries?
•Where is it located?
•What is the nearest demesne or holding?
•What are it major exports?
•How close is it to a major keep or castle?
Map out the town together on a piece of paper or on your notecards. Anything outside of
the boundaries is unknown -- anything could be out there, in the darkness. Answer the
Threads questions while you’re doing this, in order to establish further connections to the
town, other player characters, and NPCs.
Safety Tools:
The X and O Card:
Lines and Veils:
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