The Veil - Cascade (Plug-ins)(1).pdf

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When you compromise the board enough to shift the influence and
power of a megacorp to yourself as an Executive, whether in secret or
otherwise, you unlock the Silhouette Plugin.
You start with +1 Influence.
When you remove someone from the board, cement an alliance with a
board member, or achieve +3 Capital – take +1 Influence.
You get
and can take the other moves with any following
When you consolidate your contacts, interests, and Capital
to make use of your Influence at the megacorporation, consume1
Influence and 1 Cred to do the following:
Undermine, takeover, or destroy another corporation.
The same, but to an NPC.
Put a plan in motion that the MC says requires your Influence.
Take advantage Forward.
Treat another megacorp as an NPC for the purposes of
Develop a new kind of technology that previously did not
If the MC decides your action requires more than 1 Influence they will
tell you how much Influence is required and, with each Influence spent,
show in the fiction your progress toward it.
When you completely take over a rival corporation and
their territory, take +2 Influence.
Once per session, you may spend 3 Cred to gain the
knowledge of what transpired in any scene you were not already a part
When you walk your own path away from the society you knew in
order to discover something new about the world, you unlock the
Itinerant Plugin. Tell the MC what you left behind and what you hope to
find out there.
You get
and can take the following moves with any following
At the start of each session, tell the MC how you think The Veil
is trying to find you and roll without adding a State. On a 10+, describe
how you've evaded it this time and take +1 Forward. On a 7-9, what
you do works, but you've left behind a trace, a trail, or overlooked
something crucial. No matter the result ask any one question of the MC.
Mad like Max:
You've got a dependable ride that is customized and
one of a kind—work with the MC to design it. Whenever you're on it
for the purposes of the
move, you may treat the road as a
place or situation. You also may ask, “Where might I be able to find
The Horizon is a Beltway:
When you trust your gut, your bones, and your
ride to take you where you need to be without holding a destination in
your mind's eye, roll. On a 10+, tell the MC what you hope for and they
will tell you where you end up.You tell them what here is useful. On a
7-9, the same but... they'll also tell you why it's
than what you hoped
Master of your Domain:
When you draw a map of your travels whenever
you go to a new region and sketch it out, name it and add at least one
landmark. If you pass through here again, Hold 1. Spend your Hold 1 for
1 to:
Ask the MC what here has changed since you passed through
Take Advantage Forward.
Treat the region as an NPC for the purposes of triggering a
Make My Day:
When you resort to violence and describe how it's
different than societal norms, they are always frightened or dismayed
by you – they choose which.
When you leave behind your vessel and migrate your consciousness,
either in its entirety or in part into The Veil, you unlock the Immaterial
You get
and can take the moves below with any following
Something, maybe The Veil itself, fears you and seeks to
confine you. At the beginning of each session, tell everyone how it's
doing so and then roll without adding a State. On a 10+, Hold 3. On a
7-9, Hold 1. The Hold is your dominance over that which confines you.
Spend it 1 for 1 in order to:
Infiltrate a PC through their Neurochip to piggyback on their
Disconnect someone's Neurochip from The Veil, temporarily.
Alter or manipulate any system connected to The Veil.
When you resolve a Belief or Question that is focused on a
moral or philosophical quandary, you take +1 Forward to
the beginning of the next session.
Tangled Webs:
When you manipulate or utilize any cog in a system of
oppression, including The Veil, to disseminate a message that goes against
said system, or to discern something about it, roll. On a 10+, they will
tell you something interesting and something useful. On a 7-9, the same
but either could be misinformation, if the MC so chooses.
When you use
Tangled Webs,
you can also ask the MC
directly how to wrest more control for yourself. Every time you do, take
+1 to
to a maximum of +3, permanently.
One Of Us:
When you use the
move, you may choose to introduce a
digital construct as an NPC.
Whenever you inject yourself with a virus that is bio-engineered,
you unlock the Carrier Plugin.
You get
and can take the other moves with any
following improvements.
When you submit your body to the will of a virus,
roll. On a 10+, Hold 2. On a 7-9, Hold 1. Spend your Hold 1 for 1
Treat biological substances as NPCs for the purposes of moves.
Communicate with any one person also infected with the same
virus as you.
Rapidly heal Harm.
Interact with a digital avatar outside of a purely digital
Gain the effect of a Tag you meditate with the MC, temporarily.
Have no side effects.
Not have all other viruses in your system expunged.
Ask The Veil a question from the basic moves or your playbook.
The MC always has final say as to just how much fictional
positioning you get from the virus(es) in your system.
Like Recognizes Like:
When you have any active virus within you,
your normal perceptions allow you to identify other carriers.
You may add the question, “Is this person a carrier?” when you
Ship Breakers locate and scavenge high-value systems before owners can
intercede. When you get cybernetics or tech that allows for the scanning
of these targets, you unlock the Ship Breaker Plugin. You Detail with the
MC what high-value targets are, from barely passable to highly sought
You may now ask, “What here can be dismantled?” with the
move when you are assessing high-value targets on-site.
You get
and can take the other moves with
any following improvements.
When you scan for high-value targets, roll without
adding a State. The MC will draw a clock with as many segments as the
sum of your dice roll. Everyone who is a Ship Breaker can see this clock.
On a miss, a Golden Opportunity, or any kind of complication, the MC
can mark a segment of the Clock; when every segment is marked, you
are detected and may be unable to proceed with the salvage (MC’s Call).
On a 10+, choose three. On a 7-9, choose two. On a miss, choose one
but the MC may also consider this a Golden Opportunity.
You arrive completely undetected.
It isn’t heavily guarded.
There must be black tech or military grade systems on-board (MC
Other Ship Breaker crews are not aware of it—yet.
When you attempt to extricate high-value systems, roll. On a
10+, you remove the system without difficulty. On a 7-9, the MC marks a
segment on the Clock and you require more time, additional help, or
something of value breaks. On a miss, same as 7-9, but the MC marks as
many segments as the lowest die you rolled.
Of All Trades:
You may ask, “What here can be dismantled?” outside
of high-value targets and situations.
Hardly Understood:
For the purposes of moves you may treat high-value
targets as NPCs.
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