The Alchemists Repose.pdf

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By Ben Milton
The hulking, robotic constructs in this
Construct appearance
Huge hammer.
dungeon have [Function] and [Target] [Destroy]: Armored.
is built
route and
tags. A construct’s functionchanged,into Patrols its Dozens ofresponds toevery
its structure and cannot be
but [Repair]:
arms with
its target is set by means of a rectangular imaginable tool. When not in the work-
metal punchcard slotted into its head. shop, it roams looking for its target.
Punchcard appearance
[Alchemist]: Gold. Etching of the four elements.
[Constructs]: Steel. Etching of a gear.
[Cracks]: Copper. Etching of a broken wall.
[Elves]: Platinum. Etching of a tree.
[Intruder]: Silver. Etching of crossed swords.
If a PC removes that card, the construct [Retrieve]: Like a huge walking tin can. [Punchcards]: Electrum. Etching of a punchcard.
will shut down. These punchcards can
Places retrieved objects in its belly and
be slotted into any functional construct, then transports them to the library. Cov- Every 10 minutes, or whenever the PCs make noise, roll a d6
allowing players
to reprogram them.
ered in magic resistant runes.
to see what shows up. 1: d6 feral fungal elves. 2: Construct
with an [Intruder] punchcard.
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