Harrow Deck Deluxe.pdf

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Deck Design:
Mike Selinker with Kyle Hunter
Divination Design:
Teeuwynn Woodruff
Towers Design:
Jason Bulmahn and Mike Selinker
Art and Card Concepts:
Kyle Hunter
James Jacobs, F. Wesley Schneider, and James Sutter
Art Director & Graphic Design:
James Davis
Mike McArtor and Vic Wertz
Vice President of Operations:
Jeff Alvarez
Director of Marketing & Sales:
Joshua Frost
Paizo CEO:
Lisa Stevens
Corporate Accountant:
Dave Erickson
Staff Accountant:
Chris Self
Technical Director:
Vic Wertz
Erik Mona
Special Thanks:
Wolfgang Baur, James Ernest, Dan Katz, Scott
Kim, Ann Kuykendall, Nicolas Logue, Tanis O’Connor, John
Rateliff, Anne and Sigfried Trent, Jeremy Walker, and the rest of
the Paizo staff.
Harrow can be used in
Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path.
© 2008 Paizo Publishing, LLC. Paizo Publishing and the Paizo golem logo are
registered trademarks and Harrow,
Pathfinder, Pathfinder Chronicles,
and GameMastery
are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
PZO9200 Printed in China
You think they’re just cards? Just pictures and words good
for gambling or faking townsfolk out of a few coppers? Go
on and think that—I don’t mind. My cards know where
you’ve been and where you’re going. And it’s not pretty.
Not at all. So, walk away. Or stop and learn to turn the
few remaining pages of the story of your life into a novel
worth the telling. Or don’t. After all, they’re only cards.
—Riana, Varisian harrower
THe Harrow deck
Harrow is a tarot-like deck usable in everyday life or in any
roleplaying game. Regardless of where you use it, use it with
care. A Harrow deck is loaded with power, so you must learn to
read the cards correctly or else suffer an ignominious fate.
In these pages, you will learn to perform a harrowing,
which is a reading of the cards in such a way that you wrest
information out of someone’s life. It’s a difficult process for
your subject, as his entire past, present, and future is laid bare.
Sometimes, the deck talks of good tidings, sometimes of ill.
Rarely is it wrong.
The most important thing is to treat your Harrow deck with
respect. Disrespect the deck, and the deck will disrespect you.
That way surely lies ruin. You don’t want ruin. You want to know
how to read these cards.
reading a Harrow card
A Harrow deck contains 54 cards. Each card has one of six symbols
corresponding to six abilities, and the symbol is located in one of
nine positions corresponding to nine alignments.
The Paladin, for example, has a hammer (the symbol for
Strength) in the upper left corner (the position for lawful good),
so it’s the lawful good Strength card. Similarly, The Liar has a
crown (Charisma) in the lower right corner (chaotic evil), so it’s
the chaotic evil Charisma card.
Symbols of the Six abilities
Positions of the nine alignments
Lawful Good
Lawful Neutral
Lawful Evil
Neutral Good
Neutral Evil
Chaotic Good
Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Evil
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