Conan d20 1e - The Coming of Hanuman {MGP5598}.pdf

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The Coming of
A Scenario for
The Roleplaying Game
The Coming of Hanuman
The Coming of Hanuman
Line Developer
Studio Manager
Production Director
The Coming of Hanuman
Scene 1: The Hawk of Aghrapur
Scene 2: The Lost Ruins
Scene 3: Hanuman Himself
This scenario assumes
The Coming of Hanuman
The Awakening
The Ape Army
Turanians and Zuagirs
leader is, of course, none other than the man-ape Ravu of
Yezud awakened three years ago. The scholar’s rituals did
much more than awakening the beast’s intelligence, in fact
giving it unearthly insight and even supernatural abilities
of its own. The man-ape fled, taking the terrified Ravu
with him, even as the magical ritual of its rebirth wracked
the minds and bodies of the wizard’s hapless bodyguards.
During the last couple of years, the creature held Ravu
prisoner, torturing him and forcing him to teach it the
secrets of magic. Now the man-ape is a powerful wizard
itself, and has even developed a lust for conquest. Using
his supernatural talents and new leadership abilities, the
man-ape enthralled enough of its kin to form a small
war party, which he trained to use weapons and follow
his orders. Under their unholy leader’s command,
the man-apes have killed dozens of Shemites, stealing
their women and children to build a new tribe, tainted
with the blood of their degenerate race. Furthermore,
the man-ape leader has learned all relevant facts about
human civilisation in general, and the Shemite people in
particular, from Ravu, who is still the creature’s prisoner
at the ruins, and from forceful, dreadful interrogation of
its human captives. Soon, the next stage of the man-ape’s
scheme will begin: it plans to contact the priesthood and
people of Zamboula, presenting himself as an avatar of
the god Hanuman to take advantage of the Zamboulans’
unchecked worship of the ape-god. The city’s Turanian
leaders would have no choice but to accept the will of the
mighty cult of Hanuman, and man-apes would control
the city through religious fear. Thus the creature plans
to use Zamboula as the first city of its new empire, ruled
by its new race.
The Player Characters are hired not by Turan
but by Shem, or by a neighbouring nation such
as Khauran, Khoraja or Koth, with the specific
purpose of scouting the northeastern Shemite
deserts and spying on the Turanian mercenary
force. The Player Characters join the Turanian
army as a way to investigate its activities from
The Player Characters have been sent by a
Shemite or Turanian employer to investigate
the activities of Bahim Baal’s Zuagirs. During
their investigation, they found the Turanian
company’s tracks and, after a few journeys,
caught up with them. They were escorted to
the presence of Mahath Agha and, whether by
intimidation or mutual convenience, accepted
to join the Turanian lines, if only during this
campaign against their common target.
Once the stage is set and the Player Characters are in
place, the action begins…
Read or paraphrase the following to the players:
Scene I: The Hawk
of Aghrapur
Adventure Hooks
The Player Characters are assumed by default to be
mercenaries or enlisted soldiers in the service of Mahath
Agha. If they have no other reason to follow the
Turanian army, coin is always a good incentive. If the
Player Characters have absolutely no cause to enlist in a
Turanian mercenary regiment, or are otherwise unable
to use this adventure hook, consider using one of the
following alternatives:
The Player Characters are travelling through
northeastern Shem for any reason (or for no
specific reason) and stumble upon Mahath Agha’s
military encampment by accident. The Turanian
company’s guards bring the Player Characters
before Mahath Agha, who gives them a choice
of either serving Turan as mercenaries or
dying for suspected allegiance with
the Zuagir rebels.
For days now you have travelled through the harsh deserts
and steppes of the Turanian-Shemite border. Nobody ever
said that serving as scouts for the Turanian army was going
to be a nice ride, nor did you have any illusions about finding
the hidden Zuagir rebels quickly, much less in their own
territory. However, it has indeed been a difficult journey,
wearily trudging these barren lands where no shade falls, no
food grows and none of you are welcome. Oh yes, Turan may
hold the rule here, but it does not hold the people’s loyalty.
Then again, that is precisely the reason why you are here,
is it not? That is the job that brought you to the deserts
of Shem, two silver pieces a week plus meals – to help the
Turanian army find the Zuagir insurgents and stamp out
their rebellion. No indeed, nobody said this was going to
be a nice ride.
Your ponderings are interrupted by the sudden blare of war
horns and the yells of mercenary officers.
-The Zuagirs! The Zuagirs!
-Alarum! Alarum!
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