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After someone buys their 5th advance,
the Season Advances are unlocked, and
there’s one more session left after this
one before the season ends.
Season Advances can be bought just
like regular advances. In each Season,
each character can only take one
Season Advance. Once they’ve been
unlocked, every character has access
to them, regardless of whether or not
they’ve earned their 5th advance yet.
For more information on Seasons, turn
to pages 36-37.
Growing Up Moves
Make Others Feel Beautiful
When you
make others feel beautiful,
roll with hot. On a 10 up, choose two:
they carry 1 forward;
they remove a Condition;
they mark experience;
you carry 1 forward.
On a 7-9, you can offer them an
experience point to do what you want.
Player Reference Sheet
Basic Moves
Turn Someone On
When you
turn someone on,
roll with
hot. On a 10 up, take a String against
them. • On a 7-9, they choose one: give
themselves to you, promise something
they think you want, give you a String
against them.
Lash Out Physically
When you
lash out physically,
with volatile. On a 10 up, you deal
them harm and choose one: the harm
is great (add 1); you gain 1 String on
them; they need to
hold steady
they can retaliate (during this scene). •
On a 7-9, you harm them but choose 1:
they gain 1 String on you; they can deal
1 harm to you for free, if they want to;
you become your Darkest Self.
Call People On Their Shit
When you
call people on their shit,
with cold. On a 10 up, choose one:
they lose a String against
someone else;
they freeze up, break down, or bail.
On a 7-9, choose one, and they give
you a Condition.
Manipulate an NPC
When you
manipulate an NPC,
with hot. On a 10 up, they’ll do what
you want if you give them a bribe, a
threat, or a motive. • On a 7-9, the MC
will tell you what it’ll take to get the
NPC to do what you want. Do it and
they will.
Season Advances
The Season Advances are:
Change your character’s Skin.
Rewrite your Sex Move.
Rewrite your Darkest Self.
Retire your character and start
a new one.
Gain 2 of the Growing Up moves.
For a description of each of these Season
Advances, turn to pages 37-41.
Run Away
When you
run away,
roll with volatile.
On a 10 up, you get away, and end up
in a safe place. On a 7-9, you get away,
but choose one: you cause a big scene;
you run directly into something worse;
the scariest person there gets a String
on you.
Intervene Against an Act of Violence
When you
intervene against an act of
roll with volatile. On a 10 up,
choose one:
they take -2 to their roll (NPCs either
act at a Disadvantage or fail entirely);
deal harm to them;
give them a Condition.
On a 7-9, they choose
take -2 to their roll (NPCs either act
at a Disadvantage or fail entirely);
target you with the violence instead.
Shut Someone Down
When you shut someone down, roll
with cold. On a 10 up, choose one: give
them a Condition; they lose a String
against you; if they held no Strings on
you, gain a String on them. • On a 7-9,
choose one: you each give a Condition
to one another; you each lose a String
on one another.
Gaze Into The Abyss
When you
gaze into the abyss,
with dark. On a successful roll, it
answers your questions and shows
you visions. On a 10 up, choose two:
the visions are lucid and detailed;
the visions show you what you must
do, and you carry 1 forward to doing
it; the visions cure you, removing a
Condition. • On a 7-9, choose one: the
visions are confusing and alarming; the
visions are lucid and detailed but they
leave you with the Condition
For a more detailed explanation of these
basic moves, turn to pages 20-24.
Share Your Pain
When you
share your pain,
roll with
dark. On a 10 up, choose two. On a 7-9,
choose one:
remove a Condition (from yourself
or someone who listened);
carry 1 forward toward helping
those who listened carry 1 forward
toward helping you.
Hold Steady
When you
hold steady,
in a scary or
tense situation, roll with cold. On a
10 up, you keep your cool, and choose
one: ask the MC a question about the
situation; remove a Condition; carry 1
forward during this scene. • On a 7-9,
choose: you keep your cool; pick an
option from the 10 up list but also gain
the Condition
You can spend a String on
another PC to:
Add 1 to your roll against them
(choose after rolling).
Subtract 1 from their roll against
you (choose after rolling).
Offer them an experience point to
do what you want.
Force them to
hold steady
in order
to carry out a certain action.
Add an extra harm to whatever
harm you’re dealing them.
Place a Condition on them.
Characters can gain Conditions over the
course of play. If you take advantage of
a Condition that someone has, while
making a move against them, add 1 to
your roll. In order to take advantage of
a Condition mechanically, though, you
need to take advantage of the Condition
fictionally as well.
A Condition goes away when the
character suffering it takes appropriate
action to alleviate it.
For more on Conditions, turn to page 28.
Darkest Self
When you become your Darkest Self,
there’s a script to follow. That script is
described on your Skin sheet. Play that
script as hard as you can. This is the
moment where you are supposed to
lose sight of your humanity, whatever
amount you had in the first place. It’s
the point at which you forsake the
world. You’ll be able to escape your
Darkest Self eventually. Each Darkest
Self has an escape clause that, when
completed, returns you to normal.
For details and an example of how
Darkest Self works, turn to pages 32-33.
Characters can gain experience in
a number of ways over the course
of play. Two of each PC’s stats are
highlighted, and whenever those stats
are rolled, the player marks experience.
Certain Skin-specific moves will
provide other opportunities for PCs
to gain experience. Finally, someone
can spend a String to offer a tempting
deal to another PC: do something in
exchange for an experience point.
Experience is marked on the character
sheet by filling in dots. Whenever a
character reaches 5 experience, they
are able to buy an advancement. The
advancement options are listed on the
character sheet.
You may only earn experience from
each highlighted stat and each move
once per scene. Similarly, you may only
earn a String from any one move once
per scene.
For more on advancement, turn to page 36.
You can spend a String on an NPC to:
Add 1 to your roll against them
(choose after rolling).
Add 3 to your
manipulate an NPC
against them (choose after rolling).
Cause them to falter, hesitate, or
freeze up momentarily.
Add an extra harm to whatever
harm you’re dealing them.
Place a Condition on them.
For details on what it means to gain or
spend a String, turn to pages 25-27.
When you
take your fourth harm,
avoid death,
erase all harm, then:
Become your Darkest Self, or
Lose all Strings you have on every-
Whenever you choose either of these
options, gain the Condition
a result.
For more on harm and death, turn to
pages 30-31.
Sex Moves
Each character has a sex move. Most
are triggered by having sex with
someone, though a few have alternate
triggers. When your sex move is
triggered, read it aloud and follow its
Forward is a +1 bonus that you add to
your next applicable roll. Sometimes
this bonus can be used on any roll,
but sometimes it’s specific to a certain
situation. Sometimes, Forward has
a time limit attached to it. Forward
bonuses can only apply to a single
roll, which uses up the advantage they
For more on how Forward works and
what it applies to, turn to pages 28-29.
Most Skins can join a gang through
an advancement option. On Skin
advancement lists, gangs are bolded.
Every gang makes demands on
its members. Every gang also has
something that will trigger it into blind
action. When that trigger occurs, they
will pursue retaliation or dedicated
response whether you want them to or
not. Finally, a gang can be
into helping you. When they help
you with any task, add 1 to your rolls.
When they join you in any act of
violence, inflict an additional 1 harm.
For more on gangs, turn to page 35.
Rolling Dice
When asked to roll with something,
roll two (six-sided) dice an add their
sum to the stat in question.
A result of 10 or higher (10 up) will
present you with favorable options.
A result of 7-9 will often present you
with hard choices or partially-favorable
options. A 6 or lower will give the MC
a golden opportunity to take some
action of her own.
The highest bonus you can have on any
given roll is 5.
For more on rolling dice, turn to page 19.
Harm never heals on its own. There
are however a few ways to heal harm,
other than driving your character to
the brink of death:
Once per session, when you have
time to rest and tend to your
wounds, you may heal 1 harm.
If someone else attends to your
wounds, delicately and intimately,
possibly with erotic subtext, you
may heal an additional 1 harm.
NPCs act at an Advantage whenever:
They’re able to take advantage
of a PC’s Condition while acting
against that PC.
You spend one of their Strings on
a PC to put them at an Advantage
against that PC.
Something would grant the NPC
+1 to their action.
A custom move or special rule
makes them do so.
NPCs act at a Disadvantage whenever:
They have a Condition that would
interfere with their action.
Something would grant the NPC -1
to their action.
A custom move or special rule
makes them do so.
Advantages and Disadvantages cancel
one another out.
When at an Advantage, an NPC’s
actions have one of these added effects:
The action gains the NPC new fol-
lowers or support;
The action leave the NPC better
protected in some way;
The action set the NPC up per-
fectly for a follow-up action of
some sort.
When at a Disadvantage, an NPC’s
actions have one of these added
The action alienates the NPC’s
friends and allies;
The action leaves the NPC exposed
to danger;
The action leaves the NPC exhausted
or without an escape plan.
For more information, turn to page 119.
Teaching the Game
The key considerations to have in mind
when teaching are:
Teach the mechanics in a
concentric way.
Teach the context as you teach the
Use examples and demonstrations.
Teach as you go.
Teach what they need in order to
make informed decisions.
For more on teaching the page, turn to
pages 131-133.
MC Reference Sheet
Make the PCs’ lives not boring.
Make the PCs feel unaccepted.
Keep the story feral.
Hard Moves
Separate them.
Put them together.
Announce off-screen badness.
Announce future badness.
Inflict harm (as established).
Make them pay a price.
Tell them the possible conse-
quences and ask.
Leap to the worst possible
Turn their move back on them.
Expose a dangerous secret to the
wrong person.
Take a String on someone.
Trigger their Darkest Self.
Herald the abyss.
After every move: “What do you do?”
Always Say
What the principles demand.
What the rules demand.
What honesty demands.
For more on Agendas and things to
Always Say, turn to page 103.
The First Session
Blanket the world in darkness.
Springboard off character creation.
Ask questions like crazy.
Leave yourself things to wonder
Look for where they’re not in control.
Push there.
Nudge the players to have their
characters make moves.
Give every character good screen
time with other characters.
Leap forward with named NPCs.
Hell, have a fight.
Blanket the world in darkness.
Address yourself to the characters,
not the players.
Make your move, but misdirect.
Make your move, but never speak
its name.
Make monsters seem human.
Make humans seem monstrous.
Give everyone a life.
Accept people, but only
Happiness always comes at some-
one else’s expense.
Ask provocative questions and
build on the answers.
Be a fan of the PCs.
Treat your NPCs like stolen cars.
Give your NPCs simple motivations
that divide the PCs.
Sometimes, disclaim decision making.
For full descriptions of each of these
Principles, turn to pages 104-110.
For full descriptions of each of these
Hard Moves, turn to pages 111-114.
NPC Strings
The MC can spend NPC Strings on
someone to:
Put the NPC’s action against them
at an Advantage.
Add an extra harm to whatever
harm the NPC is dealing to them.
Place a Condition on them.
Offer them experience to do what
you want.
Come out of nowhere with a
hard move.
For more on using NPC Strings, turn to
page 117.
Create a homeroom seating chart.
Follow the characters around.
Learn what they want and what
they’re afraid of.
Wonder what kind of Menace might
be dwelling within this town.
For more on running a first session
(and creating a seating chart), turn
to pages 134-137.
Strings On...
Other Information
(Sketch a map of the town and surrounding area)
The Community
(Sketch a class seating chart)
Home Room
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