John Carter of Mars - Warriors of the Red Planet Mechanized Men of Mars.pdf

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Red Planet
Mechanized Men of Mars
of the
Words, Graphics, & Layout: Thomas Denmark
Extra special thanks to Edgar Rice Burroughs, Dave
Arneson & Gary Gygax
Designed & Illustrated by Thomas Denmark
Warriors of the Red Planet by Al Krombach and Thomas
Playtesters: Topher Gadd, Monika Hortnagl, Meghan Miller,
Antonio Morton
© 2016 Night Owl Workshop, LLC. All rights reserved.
Mechanized Men of Mars
Helium is in peril!
An army of mechanized men have assembled near Helium.
The brave warriors of Helium have already faced off against
them, but lost badly. It is said they are controlled by a mad
man, a genius who is half-machine named K’Ral Diss. He
seeks to enslave the red men of Barsoom, and then move on
to conquer the rest of the planet.
Background for the GM
The vault of K’Ral was built in a previous age, a secret place of
power and research for a long forgotten mad scientist. It drew
the most unsavory persons to it, and the cult flourished for
generations, sending out its minions from time to time to enact
some horrible deed upon the lands around. However, a great
battle eventually took place between the cult leader and those
who opposed his sinister motives. Unable to destroy him, they
were strong enough to overcome his power and imprison him
somewhere deep within the vault. And sealed it for all time. His
servants scattered across the lands.
After a time his servants returned again to the vault, deserted
as it was of any manifestation of their leader. Among these
deranged folk were many highly advanced scientists and
powerful mentalists. All sought with utmost endeavor to
discern what happened to K’Ral, so that he could be freed
and returned to rule over them once again. All attempts
were in vain, although their scans and seeking did reveal to
these servants that a chamber existed below the vault. By
physical labor and mechanical means they delved downward
to reach the chamber. What they discovered dismayed and
disheartened them. In the center of the black obsidian, floating
by some unknown force, was a huge sealed casket that could
not be reached or touched by any means as though some
impenetrable force field surrounded it. Noxious vapors and
strange green energy radiated from within the area. As time
passed, the seekers ritualized their attempts to determine how
to free K’Ral. An altar of obsidian was constructed directly
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