Gorgon Breath Games - Fight for the Forest.pdf

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The Fight for the Forest
Adventure by Stew Shearer
Maps and Layout by Stew Shearer
Cover Art by Hermit’s Media
Editing by Marshall Lemon
The Fight for the Forest © 2018 Stew Shearer
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Setting Assumptions
This adventure is designed to be
easily inserted into most any
medieval fantasy world. It takes
place in a small, but vibrant
woodcutting community named
Timber. Located next to a large
forest, almost all of the people spend
their days swinging an axe or hauling
logs to the local saw mill. It could
also be easily inserted into existing
towns in your own game world.
Adventure Start
The PCs have stopped for a brief
respite in the village of Timber. The
adventure begins after the PCs have
rented rooms in the local inn: The
Fallen Tree. Run by a husband and
wife team -Gordon and Ashandra-
the inn is bustling with people buying
food, drink, and respite from the
road. After the PCs retire for the
evening, they'll awaken in the
middle of the night to a commotion.
(1) Fire in the Night
The GM can begin the adventure by
reading the following aloud:
The events of the previous day drift
into memory as you fall into the
oblivion of sleep. A few hours pass,
and you awaken to restlessness.
Outside of your room you can hear
the pounding staccato of rushing feet
and the panic of voices awoken to a
midnight emergency. The faint smell
of smoke tinges the air.
Unless the PCs decide to go back to
sleep, they'll find the inn deserted,
save for Ashandra. She'll tell the PCs
that town's sawmill is on fire. She
won't know what caused the fire,
only that the townsfolk are
scrambling to douse the flames.
Should the PCs head outside to help,
the GM can read the following:
The scent of smoke grows stronger
as you step into the night. To the
east of the inn, the shape of the
village sawmill is illuminated in the
glow of its own flames. Fed by the
cut timber held inside, the blaze
grow larger by the second.
The PCs will likely move to assist the
villagers. As they draw closer to the
fire, the GM should ask them to
perform a Perception check. If they
roll a 12 or higher, the GM can tell
them that they hear the sounds of a
struggle coming from the direction of
the sawmill. This could provide them
with a chance to prepare for the
coming confrontation.
When they’re ready, or if they fail the
Perception check, the GM can read
the following aloud:
You’re suddenly met by a stream of
people running away from the fire.
“Help,” someone shouts as they flee.
“They’re attacking anyone who gets
Framed by the flames, you see
figures standing near the burning
building, weapons brandished.
These five creatures are Nutaberrs.
Squirrel-like humanoids, they hail
from the nearby forest. They’ve set
fire to the mill and are attacking
anyone who tries to put out the fire.
If the PCs speak with the them,
they’ll just move to attack. The GM
should request an Initiative roll. When
only two of the Nutaberrs are left,
they’ll flee.
After the fight ends, the GM can
read the following aloud:
The townsfolk rush forward to douse
the flames. When it’s extinguished all
that remains is and charred timbers.
“Those bastard beasts!” A voice cries.
A gray-haired man wrapped in
haphazard robes hurries toward the
skeleton of the ruined sawmill.
“They’ve ruined me!”
The gangly man complaining about
the sawmill is Athyes. A central figure
of the Timber logging industry, he
owned the sawmill.
While he has more than enough coin
to see to its rebuilding (the other
townsfolk would roll their eyes at his
protestations of poverty), he will still
insist that its destruction will be the
end of his fortunes. An Insight check
of 6 will be enough to confirm Athyes
is exaggerating. If the PCs roll an 11,
they’ll be able to discern that he’s
uneasy about something else
besides the destruction of his
Outraged by the Nutaberr’s assault,
he’ll thank the player party for their
part in ending it. He’ll identify the
creatures as Nutaberrs and offer a
reward of 350 gold pieces if they’ll
agree to pursue them and locate
their forest settlement.
Map 1- Nutaberr Attack Map
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