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The Throne of Bone
An adventure for four to five characters of levels 6 to 8, with
recommended adjustments for characters of levels 9 to 10.
Written By
Jeff C. Stevens
Internal Artist
Jared R. Hughes - Throne of Bone
Luiz Prado - Internal Art
Shutterstock/Studio London
“Image(s) or Footage (as applicable), used under license from”
David L. Burgan II, Jean A. Headley
Jean A. Headley, Yannick Latreille,
Harrison O’Sullivan
Benoit de Bernardy
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s
Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected
under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or
artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.
Copyright © Jeff C. Stevens 2017
Review Team
The Throne of Bone
The adventure starts with the
adventurers coming to the aid of an
old farmer whose prized livestock
are being attacked by a pack of
wolves. This simple quest leads the
party to the discovery of the skeletal
remains of a bard and a magically resistant
door made from an unfamiliar material. The
adventuring party must persevere through traps,
puzzles, undead and a talking door that mocks
them along the journey until they discover the
secrets resting upon the seat of the Throne of
Bone. Will they sit?
This adventure includes a cursed magical
shield, a new undead creature, and an artifact.
Total party experience earned is approximately
Running the Adventure
It is suggested that you read this module at
least once before running it so that you have an
understanding of the encounters and hazards it
includes. This will also allow you to make any
adjustments that you feel are necessary for your
adventuring party. That being said, be prepared
to be unprepared as players will be players and
everything may not goes as intended.
Text in textboxes is to be read to the players. I
tend to be long winded when using descriptive
text, but I want the DM to know the NPC and
get a feeling for the situation. Feel free to
summarize the descriptions if that is more your
DMing style.
Text in orange boxes is for your information
and should not be read to the players.
When you see (_____________), insert a
character’s name of your choice.
The stat blocks for the creatures in this module
can be found in the 5th Edition Monster Manual.
Official Wizards of the Coast books referenced:
MM = 5th edition Monster Manual
PHB = 5th edition Player’s Handbook
DMG = 5th edition Dungeon Master’s Guide
A Battle Stat Tracker is included for many of the
encounters. I include this to make preparation
time easier for the DM.
Unless otherwise noted, assume all NPCs have
the stats of a
Your players may not follow this adventure as
it is written. Be prepared to be unprepared and
have fun! Let your imagination fly.
Adventure Synopsis
A local farmer asks the party to disband a pack
of wolves that have been attacking his cattle.
Payment will be meek – he offers cured meats,
jerky and preserved fruits and vegetables. He is a
humble farmer but wishes to show his gratitude
by whatever means that he can.
The party will track the wolves to a cave
entrance. They will need to explore this cave to
dispatch the wolves. Inside the cave they will
discover a large door and the body of a deceased
Once the door is ‘unlocked’ the party will face
a talking door, traps, riddles, and undead before
they finally reach the Throne of Bone.
DM Notes
All rooms and caves are dark unless
otherwise noted.
The talking door and walls of the dungeon are
magical and have resistance to all attacks.
Several ability and DC checks are included.
The DM has full discretion on which to use.
The key could be broken into several pieces
and scattered within your campaign; allowing
you to introduce this adventure to a lower
level party who must assemble the key, and
eventually seek out this area when they have
achieved the recommended level range for the
Don’t be shy in awarding Inspiration
throughout this adventure.
The Throne of Bone
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