God-Butcher 5e Background.docx

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You are part of the God-Butchers, a ceremonial order who oversees the binding and harvesting of the Tarrasque. Your work has encouraged you to learn a wide range of skills and rub shoulders with many of the city, and you are well established and greatly admired by society at large.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Medicine

Languages: Two of your choice

Equipment: A God-Butcher’s uniform, a viscera diagram of the Tarrasque, a carved drinking horn to commemorate you entering the guild, and a pouch containing 15 gp

Feature: Respected by the City

As an established and respected member of the God-Butchers, you always have free food and lodging in the god-Butcher barracks. In addition, the God-Butchers hold tremendous sway in the city; if you are accused of a crime the order will support you (assuming a good case can be made for your innocence or the crime justifiable). God-Butcher contacts can also get you an audience with almost anyone in the city – though it may take some time.

Suggested Characteristics

d8                     Personality Trait

1                       Lax standards can get people hurt or -gods forbid- the beast released; everything will be done perfectly.

2                       I see all living things as complicate machines whose workings fascinate me.

3                       I will talk at length about my work and the God-Butchers anytime.

4                       Nothing can shake my optimistic attitude.

5                       Decades of rarely leaving the beast’s sight has leached much of my skills with dealing with non god-Butchers.

6                       I’m well known for a significant deed and am shocked when someone hasn’t heard of me.

7                       I’ve enjoyed fine food and drink and can’t stand living poor.

8                       I look down on anyone who doesn’t sweat for a living.

d6                     Ideal

1                       Safety. All I do is to keep the city, its people safe, and the world safe. (Lawful)

2                       Charity. I work and give freely so that all others may eat. (Good)

3                       Sadist. I enjoy inflicting pain, it is my art; working on the Tarrasque gives me an opportunity to paint on a larger canvas. (Evil)

4                       Payment. I work to get paid – simple as that. (Any)

5                       Faith. It was the will of the Gods that the Tarrasque be bound and I continue to honor that will. (Lawful)

6                       Aspiration. I will be ranked amongst the God-Butcher masters. (Any)

d6                     Bond

1                       The God-Butchers are my kin, I would do anything for them.

2                       My mentor in the guild taught me everything I know and made me what I am today.

3                       The Tarrasque must be contained at all cost.

4                       I pursue wealth to be worthy of another’s love.

5                       I seek to understand what really happened in the 12th Meridian crisis – so I can take revenge.

6                       I love my family and work hard to support them.

d6                     Flaw

1                       I’m forever incensed at others being promoted past me.

2                       I put too much trust in those who wield power within my order’s hierarchy.

3                       I respond violently to any joke or remark made at the expense of the God-Butchers.

4                       My negligence led to the death of another, and I’m desperate to keep the secret.

5                       No one outside my order can ever really be trusted.

6                       No one can learn about my criminal dealings.


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