Hemotropic Wizard_ 5e.docx

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Hemotropic Wizard Specialization



Every body is a book, and the flow of blood through its shape is the language much magic is written in. By studying blood, both your own and that of others, you have gained power, magic, and understanding that is beyond the ken of most.


Blood Sacrifice


Starting at 2nd level, by utilizing the blood of a slain small or larger creature that has been killed within the past hour, you can halve the normal material cost of a spell (for amounts greater than 500gp, a humanoid creature is required for this ability).


Read Blood


Starting at 2nd level, you can spend 10 minutes studying the blood of creature slain within the last hour to record one spell the creature was capable of casting in your spellbook. This spell does not have to be from the wizard spell list though it will count as a wizard spell for you, but must be of a level you are capable of casting. This spell will always be considered prepared for you and does not count against the number of spells you can prepare, though it does utilize a spell slot and other costs to cast as usual. Additionally, there is no cost to recording spells in this way but you can only have one instance of this feature active at a time, any additional use of this feature will replace your previous entry. GMs can make special allowances to let your learn non-spell magical abilities while determining what ‘level of spell’ they are to be considered (such as a mimic’s shapechange ability being considered a 3rd level spell).


Blood Literacy


At 6th level, you can now use your ‘read blood’ feature to learn to 2 spells, these can come from the same or different creatures and you choose which spell to replace when you exceed 2.


Blood Fluency


At 10th level, you can now use your ‘read blood’ feature to learn three spells these can come from the same or different creatures and you choose which spell to replace when you exceed 3.




At level 14, by sacrificing a significant portion of your blood & vital essence you can cast more powerful spells.

When you cast a spell, you can choose to inflict 1d4 points of constitution damage on yourself to lower the effective spell slot cost by 1 (casting a 5th level spell while only using a 4th level slot for instance). This ability does not stack, the spell you cast otherwise retains its other costs, properties & potency. Constitution damage inflicted this way can only be recovered by taking long or short rests, at a rate of 1 per rest.

If you are wearing a magical item that increases your constitution score, it is destroyed as it dissolves into ash the first time you utilize this ability (though you do not suffer the constitution damage for that use).





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