A step by step process for Breaking into a Bank(or any company really...) How to Hack Like a Pornstar.pdf

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How to Hack Like
a Pornstar
Master the secrets of hacking through real-
life hacking scenarios
Copyright © 2017 Sparc FLOW
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without
the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses
permitted by copyright law.
This is not a book about information security. Certainly not about IT.
This is a book about hacking: specifically, how to infiltrate a company’s
network, locate their most critical data, and make off with it without triggering
whatever shiny new security tool the company wasted their budget on.
Whether you are a wannabe ethical hacker or just an enthusiast frustrated
by outdated books and false media reports, this book is definitely for you.
We will set up a fake – but realistic enough – target and go in detail over
the main steps to 0wn the company: building phishing malware, finding
vulnerabilities, rooting Windows domains, p0wning mainframes, etc.
I have documented almost every tool and custom script used in this book.
I strongly encourage you to test them and master their capabilities (and
limitations) in an environment you control and own. Given the nature of this
book, it is ludicrous to expect it to cover each and every hacking technique
imaginable, though I will try my best to give as many examples as I can while
staying true to the stated purpose of the book.
I will do a flyover of some concepts like IPSEC, TOR, and NTLM by
briefly explaining how they work and what they mean in the context of the
hacking scenario. If you feel like you want to go deeper, I strongly advise you
to follow the links I offer near each item and explore the dark, fun concepts
behind each technique and tool.
Custom scripts and special commands documented in this book are
publicly available at
Important disclaimer
The examples in this book are entirely fictional. The tools and
techniques presented are open-source, and thus available to everyone.
Pentesters use them regularly in assignments, but so do attackers. If you
recently suffered a breach and found a technique or tool illustrated in this
book, this does in no way incriminate the author of this book nor imply any
connection between the author and the perpetrators.
Any actions and/or activities related to the material contained within
this book is solely your responsibility. Misuse of the information in this
book can result in criminal charges being brought against the persons in
question. The author will not be held responsible in the event any criminal
charges are brought against any individuals misusing the information in
this book to break the law.
This book does not promote hacking, software cracking, and/or piracy.
All the information provided in this book is for educational purposes only.
It will help companies secure their networks against the attacks presented,
and it will help investigators assess the evidence collected during an
Performing any hack attempts or tests without written permission from
the owner of the computer system is illegal.
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