Call of Cthulhu - Reign of Terror - Errata.pdf

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Reign of Terror - Corrections/Errata – 20 March 2018
Page 101 - Websites - The second to last website link is incorrectly formatted - the
second row of is connected to the final website link.
Page 120 - Thierry Renault - Combat - After ”Pistol, Flintlock*” it says ”(Í2)”, which
should be removed.
Page 121 - Michel Beaumains – Backstory - ”Ideology/Beliefs” section is missing from
this character:
the condition of France is pitiable. The best chance for France to regain her former glory is for
the Third Estate (the common people) to challenge the absolute rule of Louis XVI. This may need violence if
those in power refuse to share. An ardent follower of Rosseau, you believe that the only way for the people of
France to be truly free is to rule themselves. You keep quiet about these beliefs in barracks. You work as a soldier
to support your aged father, who would otherwise starve. However, you do discuss politics with those you trust.
Page 123 - Christophe Presse - Comrades - there is an extra (sixth) bullet point at the
end, which should be removed.
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