Monograph #317 - Miskatonic University - Toying with Humans.pdf

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Dear reader,
This monograph contains scenarios run at the first Shoggoth Origins Tournament, organized by
administrative staff at two of the most popular Cthulhu websites and Yog- This tournament was held at the Origins International Game Expo, 2005 and run by
its authors.
The tournament was run with four scenarios. The first two scenarios, “Where Byakhees Dare”
written by Tyler Hudak and “Reborn To Die,” written by Tony Fragge, were run during the six
qualifying rounds. Players who advanced to the semi-final rounds participated in “Funk-A-
thulhu” written by Matt Wiseman. For the final round the tournament’s best Call of Cthulhu
roleplayers participated in “Crazy Block,” written by David Noal.
Each scenario features one of mankind’s futile struggles against the Masks of Nyarlathotep and
other powerful creatures of the Cthulhu Mythos. This monograph is intended for a mature
The first scenario, “Where Byakhees Dare” takes veteran British solders, on a special operation,
into the heart of Castle Straussberg in World War II Switzerland.
The second scenario, “Reborn To Die” takes modern day students on a search for a Miskatonic
University Professor through Lovecraft Country.
The third scenario, “Funk-A-thulhu” has a group of 1970’s investigators inquiring into the strange
events surrounding the death of Sweet Suzie, a prostitute in Los Angeles.
And finally, the fourth scenario, “Crazy Block” pits the insane, convicted and incarcerated
criminals of Private Correctional Institution Wayfold against terrible modern day agents of the
Cthulhu Mythos.
Advancement through the tournament was based on roleplaying ability and the players
themselves voted for the winners of the rounds in which they played. Votes of the Keeper and his
assistant, the “Thing,” were counted only in the event of a tie.
At the end of the tournament the top player was awarded the coveted “Shoggy,” a sanity-blasting
trophy, to commemorate their participation and victory over all.
The Keeper of each round was not necessarily the writer of the scenario although the pool of
Keepers was drawn exclusively from the writers. Often a Keeper’s assistant was employed to
allow multiple scenes to be played at once. The entirety of the tournament Keeper staff
participated in running the final round.
The creators of the Origins Call of Cthulhu Tournament would like to thank all who
helped out with planning, writing, play-testing these scenarios as well as on-site. Without your
help, the tournament could not have gone on as successfully as it did. We thank you!
Tony Fragge
Tyler Hudak
David Noal
Matt Wiseman
Table of Contents
Where Byakhees Dare
..................................................................... 4
Reborn to Die
............................................................................. 38
........................................................................................ 63
Crazy Block
.................................................................................. 74
Where Byakhees Dare
By Tyler Hudak
Special thanks to Tony Fragge, Brian Rowe,
Tom Drinko, David Noal, Jason Lindsey,
Michelle Styer, Simon Lee and all others who
helped review and play test this scenario.
is known about the castle or the German
troops in the area, but their contact in the
village will be able to provide more
detail. The players will meet the contact
in a small pub in the village called "Der
Schwarze Mann" (German for The Black
The castle, known as Castle Straussberg,
is located on top of a mountain
overlooking the small village. The
castle was built hundreds of years ago to
protect the village from incoming raiders
and is really more of a small keep than a
castle. The Nazis recently took over the
castle for operations in the area. They
had heard rumors from the local
villagers that a great evil lurked there
and as Hitler was interested in the occult,
he ordered an investigation. The Nazi's
found a hidden passage in the depths of
the castle that led to a temple.
Apparently, the original owners of the
castle were worshipers of an avatar of
Nyarlathotep called "Der Meister von
Allen” (The Master of All) and used the
villagers as sacrifices. The Nazis did not
know this initially but later discovered
Colonel Wilhelm Bauer is the head of
SS operations in the area and is a
sorcerer. He has been given permission
by Hitler to practice his arts at the castle
in the hopes of creating a super-weapon
for the Third Reich. Within the castle he
has found a book that details a spell to
summon "The Master of All". The spell
calls for a mass sacrifice for which the
Colonel plans on using the village. His
hope is that with the summoning he will
gain great power for himself and the
Third Reich.
He has been gathering his followers over
the last few weeks in preparation for the
The player characters are a company of
elite British soldiers in World War 2.
They are sent on a top-secret mission to
rescue an American General whose
plane was shot down in the Swiss Alps
by Nazi anti-aircraft batteries. Their
mission is to infiltrate the castle where
the General is being held and rescue
him. What the players do not know is
that they are in for more than a simple
rescue operation.
This game was designed for six players
and a Keeper to play in a 4 hour time
period, although it can easily be played
with more players or in a longer
campaign. It would be helpful for
players to have some knowledge of the
Call of Cthulhu game system, but this is
not necessary.
Keepers Background
The date is March 13, 1943. The
investigators start the game in a briefing
room on an air base in England where
their commander briefs them on their
mission. One-day prior, an American
plane was shot down over Southern
Switzerland. As far as intelligence can
report, all on board the plane were killed
except for a 3-star American General.
He was captured by the Nazis and taken
to a Nazi-controlled castle overlooking a
small village in the Swiss Alps. The
investigators’ top-secret mission is to
parachute behind enemy lines, meet up
with their contact in the village, infiltrate
the castle and rescue the general. Little
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