Necromunda - Gangs of the Underhive.pdf

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On Necromunda, truth spills from the mouth of
Lord Helmawr, and all other voices only whisper
lies, rumours and falsehoods, fleeting as the
passing of cycles.
A cog in a machine need not know its purpose
to function, only that it must turn and bite its
fellows with its teeth, so speaks the voice of
the Imperial House. Look down upon your tasks,
never raise your gaze to the spire lest it blind
you with its light. You are needed, you are vital,
your toils are key to the wellbeing of your
world and the walls that keep the horrors of
the wastes at bay. You are disposable, you are
meaningless, your efforts are as the death
rattle of the dying – pointless and wasted.
Embrace the lie that gives you purpose and cast
off the truth that screams you are a captive ape
rotting on a dead world in an ancient cage of
plasteel and ferrocrete.
Gangs are those who reject these lies, the
dispossessed who rage against their fate
and strain against their fetters, unaware
that they too keep the wheel turning with
their disobedience.
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Wars of the Underhive
Gangs of the Underhive
House Gangs
Gangs of House Cawdor.....................................13
Gangs of House Delaque
Gangs of House Escher
Gangs of House Goliath......................................37
Gangs of House Orlock.......................................45
Gangs of House Van Saar...................................53
The Trading Post
Weapon Reference Chart..................................124
Field Armour
Weapon Accessories....................................137
Status Items
Weapon Traits
Quick Reference
Chaos Cult Gangs...............................................60
Genestealer Cult Gangs.....................................60
Venator Bands.....................................................60
Hired Guns
Bounty Hunters and Hive Scum
Hangers-on and Brutes..................................83
Exotic Beasts
Necromunda © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2018. Necromunda, GW, Games Workshop,
Citadel and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations,
weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or
© Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of
the publishers.
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to
real people or incidents is purely coincidental. British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this
book is available from the British Library.
ISBN: 978 1 78581 461 7
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>>> Subject: Event log shift 885 of the year of Him of Terra 996.M41.
>>> Conduit Necro-vox LYE232.
>>> Thought for the Day: False is the truth wrung from the heretic, true is the lie
told in the Emperor’s name.
Subjects of Lord Helmawr heed now the voice of Necromunda!
++ The Lord of Necromunda commends the Advocates of the Imperial Truth
for their bounty of words. The Imperial House advises all workers to heed
the Advocates, for they are the source of all that is true within the hive.
++ Slander against the Imperial House will not be tolerated. The hourly
Two- Minute Beneficence of Lord Helmawr will focus on correct
pronunciations until further notice – lip service will be severely punished.
++ House Delaque agents have rooted out interlopers and criminals within
our midst, praise be to their valiant efforts to keep us safe.
++ House Delaque renegades will not be tolerated by the people of
Necromunda, beware the false members of the House in our midst and
do not believe their lies!
++ Average authorised gang violence quotient +11.2%. A laudable increase
but more conflict is required (cf. House Hostility Accords).
++ Average corpse guild production quotient -14.5%.
(cf. Starvation/Murder Equilibrium)
>>> All Clan Houses rejoice in the light of Lord Helmawr’s grace that they might
toil and sacrifice for the noble houses, content in the betterment they grant
their masters. Work is the currency of progress within the hive, and Houses
that pay their way are Houses worthy to bask in the light of the Imperial
House – for all others, our world offers a banquet of ash and darkness.
>>> All Houses are reminded that contribution to the House Hostility Accords is
mandatory and a substantial level of conflict is expected. The noble houses
recognise only that which is taken by force, for upon Necromunda there can
be no law but that which is enforced by the spilling of blood and built upon
the remains of the weak. For the Imperial House and Him of Terra!
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
The underhive lies beneath the hive cities, beyond the
laws of House and hive. Its depth varies from a few
hundred metres to several kilometres, and its extent is
neither constant nor strictly delineated, the crumbling
margins of the hive above simply melting into the
upper zones of the underhive. It is a no-man’s land:
the Badzones… downhive. Here an individual can
make a new beginning or come to a sudden end, and
everyone knows there are fortunes to be won in the
depths for those willing to take the chance.
The physical structure of the underhive is the same
as the rest of the hive. It is speculated that most
hives began as a single hab dome of plascrete or
some other highly durable material. Over the years,
more domes were added together with tunnels and
shafts to connect them. Eventually, new domes
were built on top of the old, and further domes were
raised on top of these, producing a honeycomb of
large enclosed spaces. The thick outer walls were
added later to protect the towering structure and it
is the foundations of these man-made caverns that
give the hives their structural integrity.
Like the manufactory zones far above, the interior
spaces of the underhive often take the form of
unimaginably vast, industrial-scaled cathedrals of
ferrous-decay. Long abandoned and sometimes
fallen unto rust, the ancient machines of these
zones are far beyond functioning and often merge
into the structure of the hive itself. Mechanisms
the size of battleships slowly rust into mountains
of slag, their original function long forgotten. Some
may bear a spark of machine life yet however,
occasionally powering up into spontaneous un-
life to crush the unwary in cyclopean pistons. It is
said that gangs of particularly debased underhive
mutants worship these machines as hungry gods,
sacrificing captives upon their iron altars.
A dome provides a broad open space which is further
divided into zones of factories, houses, commercial
buildings and myriad other structures. Each dome
sits upon a deep foundation layer which incorporates
a sub-level maze of power lines and supply pipes.
Larger domes also have tall reinforcing pillars which
support the roof. The geography of the hive is
therefore one of a series of interconnected domes or
caverns linked by major tunnelways or shafts, and
divided internally into built-up areas.
Between each dome is to be found a labyrinth of
tunnels, some used as accessways to vital hive
infrastructure, others decayed and long forgotten.
It is amongst this maze that the most bitter of wars
are often fought, far from the gaze of the enforcers,
the gangs using them to infiltrate far into enemy
territory in order to launch daring and bloody raids.
Another Custodes Libris share. Buy the stuff if you like it!
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