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Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids
“Dr. Laura Markham offers us suggestions that help us create strong relationships with our children. If we
all followed Dr. Laura’s original and authentic advice, we would indeed change the world.”
—Peggy O’Mara, founder of
“Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids can change your parenting life. Dr. Laura Markham shares an invaluable set
of insights that are new to the world of parenting. She will show you how to deliver your love and guidance
in a truly nurturing way, and how to avoid parental burnout in the process.”
—Patty Wipfler, founder of
“Dr. Laura teaches by example, holding parents with compassion as she gives them priceless, easy-to-use
strategies to create a secure, healthy attachment with their child.”
—Lysa Parker and Barbara Nicholson, founders of Attachment Parenting International and authors of
Attached at the Heart
“Dr. Laura Markham’s guidance on fostering connection and coaching instead of controlling are important
ideas, and they can make a huge difference in your life as a parent. Her explanation of why parents need to
regulate ourselves first—before we can help regulate our children—is a revolutionary idea. Read it and
you’ll see why she calls her work ‘Aha! Parenting.’”
—Lawrence J. Cohen, PhD, author of Playful Parenting
“Dr. Laura Markham’s work is practical, easy to apply, and transformative. Get a cup of coffee, find a
comfy chair, and be prepared to get great advice from a wise, new friend and fellow parent.”
—Jacqueline Green, host of The Great Parenting Show
“A much-needed resource . . . encouragement and actionable, doable advice for parents to strengthen their
connection with their children and take care of themselves. Clearly helps parents see how what they are
doing today impacts and influences what happens tomorrow, yet the tone is gentle and nonjudgmental. Such
a user-friendly format for (often) weary parents.” —Lisa Sunbury,
“Dr. Laura Markham’s compassion, wisdom, common sense, love, and understanding radiate in each
carefully chosen word, example, and suggestion throughout this well-written, easy-to-read, delicious book.
From her chapter on effectively managing anger, ‘Listen to your anger, rather than act on it,’ to my favorite
quote, ‘Your child is acting like a child because he is one,’ you’ll know you’ve found your parenting bible.
Thank you, Dr. Laura.”
—Rev. Susan Nason, parent educator and consultant
“My entire family dynamic has positively changed, and I attribute it mostly to Dr. Laura Markham and I suspect you will not think it corny when I say you are changing the world.”
—Jennifer Andersen,
“I’ve searched high and low for parenting guidance that is sensible, simple, effective, and adaptable. That
does not heap guilt upon me. That strikes a chord so it’s easy to remember when I need it most. I have
found it in Dr. Laura Markham. My relationship with my four-year-old has improved a thousandfold since
trying your methods. The way you teach this simple message of love has made it revolutionary for me.”
—Daniela, mother of girls, ages two and four
“Following your advice has meant our son rarely has tantrums anymore. Dr. Laura’s advice really works
and makes being a parent (and a child, I’d say) much better. I don’t pretend I am perfect all the time, but she
helps me learn and do better by my son.”
—Beatrice, mother of a two-year-old boy
“You have enabled me to change myself, something I never thought I could do. Your writing taught me to
really reflect on who I was first, which was key to my ability to reflect on myself as a parent.”
—Kimberley Yvette Price,
“Dr. Laura, I tell everyone I know and even strangers about your peaceful form of parenting. Instead of
creating blow-up moments, you are creating connections, loving times, and sharing real emotions with our
children. Thank you, Dr. Laura Markham, for bringing so much knowledge and love to parenting.
—Carrie B., mother of two boys under age four
Peaceful Parent,
How to Stop Yelling
and Start Connecting
A Perigee Book
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Copyright © 2012 by Laura Markham, PhD
Text design by Laura K. Corless
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First edition: December 2012
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Markham, Laura.
Peaceful parent, happy kids : how to stop yelling and start connecting / Laura Markham.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-10161362-7
1. Child rearing. 2. Parent and child. I. Title.
HQ769.M2857 2013
649'.1—dc23 2012031273
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