Now All Roads Lead to France The Last Years of Edward Thomas.pdf

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Praise for
Now All Roads Lead to France:
‘Finally gives the poet’s poet among the dead of the Great War the
measured and moving biographical treatment he deserves.’ Jonathan Bate,
Sunday Telegraph
Books of the Year
‘With calm grace and candid respect, Hollis gives contemporary relevance
to the last powerful works of [Edward Thomas].’ Iain Finlayson,
The Times
Books of the Year
‘Hollis’s great achievement is to use the odd shape of Thomas’s verse life
as a way to explore the state of British poetry on the eve of the Great War,
poised between Georgian lyricism and stark modernism. He triumphantly
demonstrates how, far from being a baggy or moribund genre, biography
can be a sharp tool of literary criticism.’ Kathryn Hughes,
of the Year
‘One of the year’s most engrossing biographies … sensitively recounted
the growth-spurt in Thomas’s art.’ Boyd Tonkin,
Books of the
‘The best book about poetry … moving and insightful … nothing I have
come across before has got so well the feeling of how that complex
symbiosis worked and how the parting of Thomas and Frost was as
significant in its way as their first encounter. By its end the book is the
perfect setting for Thomas’s perfect poems.’ Bernard O’Donoghue,
Books of the Year
‘Brilliant and superbly written.’ Nigel Jones,
Sunday Telegraph
Book of
the Week
‘Extremely readable … Thomas is well served by Hollis’s clear-eyed
sympathy.’ Sean O’Brien,
Book of the Week
‘Exceptionally fine … perhaps, above all, a gentle reminder that poetry
can be almost as essential to the human spirit as breathing.’ Craig Brown,
Mail on Sunday
Book of the Week
‘Like Edward Thomas’s poetry,
Now All Roads Lead to France
is a work of
careful, unobtrusive excellence, subtle insight and great emotional power.
It tells the story of a compelling figure from a half-forgotten England
whose influence on contemporary writing seems to grow and grow.’ Adam
‘Matthew Hollis’s superb biography focuses on what transformed a
talented journalist into one of the most highly regarded nature poets of the
twentieth century.’ Sameer Rahim,
Daily Telegraph
‘My favourite biography of 2011 is Matthew Hollis’s eloquently
Now All Roads Lead to France,
an atmospheric study of poet
Edward Thomas, his life and times, and particularly his friendship with
Robert Frost which led him to nature poetry and ultimately to powerful
lyrics shaped by war.’ Eileen Battersby
‘Thoughtful and scrupulous … A bravura critical performance.’ John
Sunday Times
‘Elegant and insightful … A brilliant, even inspiring biography.’ Hugh
‘Excellent and highly readable … Hollis writes a fascinating and
knowledgeable study of England and Englishness of the era.’ Gerald
Irish Times
‘Wonderful … Hollis tells this tale with a sigh – but also with dry wit,
deep compassion and a poet’s eye for evocative detail.’ Paul Carter,
‘Hollis writes with great sensitivity and understanding … The enormous
strength of Hollis’s study is the way in which it portrays the different
influences that suddenly converged to produce a great poet.’ Mark
Literary Review
‘This biography is a marvel.’ Thomas McCarthy,
Irish Examiner
‘An evocation of a lost England that Thomas himself elegised so movingly
in the nature poems that have found an enduring place in the canon of
British literature.’ Jason Cowley,
Financial Times
‘Compelling.’ Paul Dunn,
The Times
‘[Thomas’s] discovery of his own considerable talent and place in the
world – as that world was in the process of falling apart – is almost
unbearably poignant … Wonderful.’ Wayne Gooderham,
Time Out
All Roads Lead to France
tells a story so delicate, tragic and
inevitable, and which contains examples of such searingly perfect poetry,
that all I can say is that this is a beautiful book. Read it.’ Robert Giddings,
‘Compelling … Among the most fascinating aspects of Hollis’s book is
showing how Thomas transformed the contents of his past notebooks into
powerful and haunting verse.’ Hugh Cecil,
‘Hollis, a poet himself, is at his best in examining this extraordinary
creative friendship with Frost … Riveting.’ James Fergusson,
Country Life
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